Wednesday, December 30, 2009

And after... I think it's bout 2 months of hiatus I'm finally back. For good? I don't know we'll see. Haha...

So tomorrow's New Year's eve and EVERYONE's going crazy over it. I mean COME ON, it's the same damn thing every year, you throw a party get wasted and pass out till the next day.

I mean... I myself... Haven't been to a Countdown party...

*looks down sadly*

It ain't fair. SON OF A BITCH.

So... How bout them Lakers eh?

Yeah, I'm out of ideas. LOL

So my New Year resolutions? A better year ahead? More courage to face my challenges head on? Well, I know what I want...

I want my friends and family to live on with peace and prosperity and i wish for me and my friends to stay strong till we wither and die :) That's it really Nothing more nothing less...

So um... There's nothing been going on lately really, I've been hanging out with my friends and all during the holidays and it feels GREAT ^^

Honest to God, it's amazing. Ha, my birthday, Christmas and the days after have been full of fun and excitement. I love you guys.

God, you guys are sick thinking like that. God DAMN. I don't love them like THAT. Shit.

Aw crap... What else can I talk bout now really...

Yeah! Shukry's sleeping over at my house actually. Haha, we're gonna stay up and play some games actually. At least I think so. LOL...

Fingers crossed that I get to go for the countdown with the guys tomorrow I think... Hopefully. It'll be like my first ever countdown party, holy shit.

Later dudes and dudettes!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Yeah, ok I know I've neglected this little thing called a blog for quite some time ok? I just fed it and gave it some water, so cool it home-boy.

Anyway, you guys recognize the picture above? That particular comic strip is titled "Calvin and Hobbes". I LOVED those strips when I was a kid and I still do, I keep them still too ^^

So the reason behind this little hiatus is due to the lack of stuff happening in my life right now. There's no hardcore, heart-pounding stuff at all so I don't even bother writing in every now and then so yeah.

Term's ending in exactly... 4 weeks or so? Yeah, it's the last term and then it's the December holidays/my birthday/Christmas. MAN, can't wait for it at all.

Notice my infamous sense of humor is nowhere at all? This is what happens when you don't have any fun for almost a month. Parents, take note. Unless you want your kid to be sitting in a cubicle like YOU do, taking orders from the boss and paying taxes to the corrupted goverment.

SHIT, it is a short post ain't it? I'll come back tomorrow and update more. But with words this time aite?

Night, fellow Mercs!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

And that folks, is the personal message of the day. If God himself thinks you're a dumbass, then boy you're IT for life.

I should be asleep, I really should. School starts tomorrow...

And yet...

*Wears Team Luis shirt*

If you want the holidays to continue on for ANOTHER 3 weeks, dial 1300-Luis. And press #1 to vote!

Later, fellow Mercs!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

YEEEAAHHH brothas and sistas, here I am. Didn't I tell ya all I'll be back? See, that's your goddamned problem, you all don't listen see.

Anyway, I wanna try out a little experiment of mine. NO, I didn't find a cure for racism, nothing like that. And DON'T give me that smirk, I'm warning you man, don't start.

So this little experiment is practically this. A few months back at ITE, my classmate asked me this during break-time. He was just sitting down there eating when he looked up and asked with a bemused expression.

"Luis, why DO you keep using the word mother******?"

So I laughed, see. And I told him. "Hilmi," His name is Hilmi. "Everybody and anybody can use the word. See, the word mother****** is a noun. It describes the person, place and thing."

Man, enough with the laughing. It's TRUE.

Seriously if you caught me on a bad day, you'll hear those words accompanied by a clearly pronounced english word every once in a while. Not for the faint of hearts, I warn ya.

So here's my little test. For 2 weeks, read it clearly. 2 WEEKS. I will try my best not to use THAT word. In fact, I won't say any swear words at all for 2 long weeks. And that's a promise.

And I'm serious bout this! I really am! I see this as a sort of cleansing ritual for my foul mouth, see. So! If I'm feeling stressed out or anything I won't use any curse words at all, no sir, I won't. I'll just fill them in with the words, 'darn', 'Doggone it' or 'Screw'.

Yes, my fellow men and women. I have absolute faith that I can push myself to the limit. I can do this! I can STOP swearing. See, swearing is like smoking. The more you do it, the more you'll get addicted or used to it.

And-- Hang on, phone's ringing.

Me: Hello?

Male voice: Hi, can I speak to Anna please?

Me: *Getting suspicious* Who is this again?

Male voice: Oh, it's me Aaron. You should know me right? Anna talks bout you all the time!

Me: *Terminator-like voice* She's not in, she's asleep at the moment.

Male voice: *Cheery* Oh! It's ok then I'll just call her back tomorrow. Good night!

Wow... Ok, I know I'm a little hard on the guy but... But, oh my God... I'm really sorry but WHAT THE HELL??!!!

You call ma house in the middle of the night asking for my SISTER, who is friggin' asleep! Just who the **** are you, home-boy? Oh I know YOU all right, you're my sister's ******* boyfriend! I'm not gonna say a damn thing to her BUT you lay one ******* hand on my sister and you *****-boy, you better LAY the **** off her. If I hear one complaint, your ass is MINE. You hear me you motherless, cow-humping, snot-licking, sewer-water drinking WALNUT!


Oh man...

I'll start laying off the swear words tomorrow...

Night fellow Mercs!


Monday, September 14, 2009

Ok, so I THINK it was Thursday that my Godmum had a barbeque over at her place. I don't know for whatever reason, it was as dull as hell and it took them bout... 3 F****** hours just to get the food all grilled up.

Man, if you can't grill em' up fast, give someone else the goddamned spatula. I SWEAR my mum and godmum are scared of that spatula, can you guys imagine people with phobias of spatulas? Them people will be freakin' out at cookouts and shit. LOL.

Anyway, while they were trying to heat the food hot and stuff. I went on up and my ma tells me I had the responsibility to look after my sister, my mum's friend's daughter and son. Babysitting? Me? Man, you must be high on crack to think I'd wanna look after these three spawns of the devil.

So I've got my sister, the damned original spawn of the devil. And we've got my mum's friend's daughter, I forgotten her name, now I don't know how she communicates and stuff cause she don't talk and don't say shit. Either cause she's as shy as hell or she's just plain mute, I told her before we got into the house. "If something happens like a fire breaks out or something, you'd better have a whistle or a horn or something. OTherwise, you'd just be another burned out trash to me!"

Man, I wanted to use the MF word so badly in there but she's a snitch see. She's a snitch without having to even open her mouth, don't ask me how she does that now, she's just plain weird. Now, I'm gonna tell it like it is. Now her little brother's homosexual, see.

Aw, come on, don't be giving me THOSE kind of looks. It's TRUE! Crying all the goddamned time, quit crying do some push-ups or something!

Anyway, I was just in my Godmum's living room, my godbro went off to catch some shut-eye before dinner and my sister sent the faggot outside for some of the peanut butter and chocolate cake my Godmum made during the morning. Now, mind you all, my Godmum's got SKILLS when it comes to making dessert and it wasn't like I was being greedy or anything but that cake woulda spoiled his dinner, what? Hey, come ON, I'm serious, it will.

He walked right past me lying on the couch and I asked "Where ya off to?" He gonna reply me like this: "To get some peanut butter and chocolate cake." Now, it wasn't WHAT he said, it was the WAY he said and the way he friggin' STOOD!

He said it so funny and his posture almost gave me a stroke that I wanted to hear him say it again. Then I told that little homo that it was almost time for dinner and dinner ain't cake, dinners are meant for hungry-ass people gobbling down them hotdogs, steaks and hamburgers. Told him to take his punk-ass back to the room where the other two demons were. That's the way I talk to them, f*** that time-out shit!

Then as the faggot went back in I heard my sister ask him: "Where's the cake and stuff?", then he said THIS.

"He's outside,"

WHO the **** is 'HE'? Like I ain't got no name or something. "He's outside"... Pffft.

Then she said she's gonna go get the cake herself, she walked her little fat bowly legs outside, right past me and into the kitchen and I asked her, "What the **** you doing?", she gave me the same answer that faggot gave me, thank God she was standing like a girl. That's my sister, love ya for that one.

But she ain't touching that cake, so I told her: "Didn't I tell that punk-assed boy he couldn't have a slice? Weren't you listening when I told the faggot he couldn't have none? Get back inside till Mum calls us to go on back down for the barbeque!"

Oh, she's gonna look at me like I'm short or something. HELL NO, no, no, no, no, no. Shit no. Everyone in the world knows what's going through the person who looks at you up and down like their sizing you up. That looks means they wanna do something to you!

She's lucky I was feeling tired, demonic sons/daughters of the devil.

Anyway, this is where I hit the bed for tonight. Check back on soon or tomorrow, I might be updating once again, hopefully.

Later Fellow Mercs!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Welcome to the special Sunday Night edition of--

Ah, screw it, I'm not gonna do the whole 'reporter' routine here tonight. I'mma give it you to plain and simple.


Well, I won't be THAT harsh to the whorehou--I mean school. It IS the last week before the 3 week holiday which is next week if I'm not wrong. And I don't know what I'm gonna be doing during the holidays, the guys have Hari Raya to look forward too and all. Which leaves me at home with my laptop, the 360 and the DVD's. And I'm not kidding here, I would have played all the games and watched all those movies in 2 days!

Yeah, you heard me mother******, 2 FREAKIN' DAYS.

Man, I said it once and I'll say it again, I need some goddamned adventure. Jesus Christ, I wanna swing through a ravine on a bullship, I wanna walk through the woods of some uncharted place, be in a shootout, fist-fight, discover some ancient artifact and just wander through Pyramaids and Aztec temples.

Ok, maybe that's a little unrealistic.

I'm sick of being holed up at home like some mook while others run free down there. See, when I grow up I'mma go on a cruise and I'mma bring as much of you guys along, see. That's not unrealistic. It's FACT.

And now, my boring life post ends here for the weekend. Maybe, just maybe, I'll find some excitement during the week.

Oh yeah, parents? fuck it, they just don't understand.

Later Fellow Mercs!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

And... I'm back.

So it's been ANOTHER long week at school. I'm not talking long as in 'Ugh, I've got tons of homework' kinda week. It's more like a...

Yeah, you guys get the idea.

Anyway, I was passing in the Punggol MRT station on Friday, on my way to the bus station to wait for the bus back home when I saw this, I'm not kidding now, I'm dead friggin' serious, a guy in his mid-twenties, average looking brother nothing special, carrying two large-ass shopping bags for his girlfriend who looks like she belongs in some Geisha community with all that make-up.

Can you guys imagine a Geisha Training Club down here on this island? We'll have women in freaky white make-up walking the streets all day, freaking out their husbands and shit like that. Ahaha...

So they were talking just a few feet away from me and I could see in the guy's posture and his forced smile that those bags he was carrying were putting a strain on him. Either he's stupid enough to know that if he keeps that up his gonna wake up the next morning a pretzel or he wants to impress his Geisha girlfriend.

Some women are like that, you see em' everyday, every minute, every hour. It don't matter if you're at home, in the mall or Church/Mosque/Temple. Every damn corner, there's bound to be a overly spoilt woman.

You know where in one of those TV shows where the husband and wife are arguing and there's a moment when the wife gives the husband a look and the husband shuts up and carries on eating. That's some funny stuff, everyone. LOL

See, Men can walk on moons, fire off guns, sing amazing songs, be legends themselves and start nuclear war with each other but we're all pretty damned zombies to our women, right?

Now, I'm not poking fun, it's the truth. It don't matter how tough we are or how much school prizes we win. We love our women and we give way. All except when it comes to watching TV or getting some 'me' time that is...

See, some women just loves to be our mother, father, accountant and pastor. They want to know who you with, where you've beena and where you're gone.


*Imitates snobby voice*

"Who's over there?"

"Where've you been?"

"Sit down here"

"Don't park the car there!"

"Slow down!"

"Light red!"


"Taste this!"

Jesus, how DO we deal with it?? LOL. If you guys know, give me a holler.

Night, fellow Mercs!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Hey everyone, I'm back and I'm really kinda worn out now. I don't know if it's me or my that goddamned little bottle of orange juice which had them little jelly slices floating around, that I drank earlier. I'm sure my sis actually spiked em' before I got them outta the fridge.

Stupid punk-ass little demon.

It might be the lack of sleep? Cause I've been waking up early these past couple of days trying to get to class on time. But am I early? Well sorta, 30 mins late is sorta... Ah, screw it.

This sucks big time, I'm updating only once a week instead of everyday cause of some damned course I don't even like but have no choice but to do it? Bad luck wanna mess with me? I'll retaliate by SKIPPING class ya dumb sons of bitches. Them dumb-ass mechanical engineering teachers strutting around all day in the workshop complaining bout poor attendace and late-coming. I come everyday you old piece of dog droppings. Which explains why I'm so fuckin' BROKE nowadays.

Yeah, you heard me right. I swear, I was a whole lot richer when I was in Siglap. 15 dollars can actually last me 3 FREAKIN' weeks, I'm not kidding, it actually did.

And the EZ-link cards running out within the week. What a shitload of fuck.

Get this: I just added bout 20 bucks to the damn thing last week and when I tapped out when I was getting home from Church the stupid thing read 9 dollars. 9 SHITTIN' DOLLARS, what happened?

Look, it's the year 2009. Why do we need these EZ-Link cards as a form of a fare? All we really need them for is some sort of a second ID or something, not a wallet for fare money. If by 2010 next year, we don't stop using EZ-link cards as our form of bus/MRT fare, then that's bullshit.

Ok, I think I went on just bout enough for tonight. Check back in tomorrow or something and hopefully I'll have a longer brighter sounding post.

Night, fellow Mercs!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

So I just got back from a almost week-long hiatus. Ya know how hard it is to think up of funny stuff to type out everytime I come on here? Screw blog posts talking bout love and everyday life. If you're looking for something new and complex, you've come to the right place.


I think you all knew that a long time ago. Phooey.

Anyway, today was Grandpop's birthday and I REALLY gotta hand it to him. 78 years old and he's still as fit as a damn horse. Happy birthday, you roach-stompin' badass Grandpa :)

Ok, ok, sit back down, punk-asses. Enough bout my life, there's something that's REALLY been bothering me these past couple of days. Now, we're all grown here right? We're all grown?

You better be, assholes. I'm not gonna get some fatass mum or dad breathing down my neck asking me why I post up entires with my special uses of vulgarities. I'm a guy hitting 19, get over it ya oversized overaged dumb pieces of shit.

Anyway, ever noticed that when you're Secondary/High School, you're the first thought on your parents mind. But when you graduate you're that homeless idiot walking around the house?

So one day my mum came to my room and started talking bout responsibilities and all that other bla-bla-bla bullshit. Then she says she trusts me now that I'm all--

Wait, hold up.

So she trusts me but she doesn't TRUSTS me enough to stay out till whenever I want.


Right after I catch up on some sleep. Fuckin' distance from my house to school left me feeling all drugged up and sleepy when I wake up, wish there was some sort of drink that will let me snap outta my sleep or something. It's the year 2009 and we don't even have stuff like that? Shit-Ass

Oh my God... What the fuck's da time?

Crap it, I got breakfast with da family tomorrow guys. So I'm just gonna end it off down here. So yeah, check back in tomorrow night and I'll probably have a longer post up and running.

Later, Fellow Mercs!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Hey everyone, NO, this is not a post. Not really anyway, get off the damn couch. Punk-ass son of my bitch.

Anyway, I'm gonna be on hiatus for a short period of time and hopefully I'll be back on Monday with some new posts. So if you do WANT to keep coming back to my blog for whatever reason and expect a new post, you can always read through the archives. But be warned, some of them previous entries from the last 2 years are as EMO as HELL.

So yeah, if you wanna be kept updated just look out for me on Facebook or MSN. I'm always around.

Take care fellow Mercs!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ah! Come on right in.

So I headed out with Feroz today to Peninsula to get his shirt for his performance tomorrow, got his stuff, went up to KFC and ate a little late lunch. Boy oh boy, it's been a while since these good ol' teeth sunk deep right into some Kentucky fun down deep, hombre. Way to long.

Now, I don't know if any of you ever felt the way I do bout house phones. If you recall back in my Archives this year or so, I spoke up strongly on how the house phones always seem to ring at the most unappropriate of times. Let's take it to the next level, suppose you're at home alone with some KFC take-out. It's a nice day and and you've got your game console and a couple of the Colonel's finest wings WHEN SUDDENLY THE FUCKING PHONE RINGS.

Why? Why do people ALWAYS call at the most inappropriate times? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO RELAX DOWN HERE?! HUH?!

And here's the most fucked up part of all sometimes, you manage to get off your couch and stumble your way to the damn phone, you pick it up and say 'Hello' and no one fucking answers! That just hung up cause maybe it's the wrong number or it's a crank call!

Why do we carry around our cellphones for? For us to get our personal calls! What's the point of lugging it around when everyone keeps calling the damn house phone? CALL THE FREAKIN' CELL!

But then again, there's the monthly bill. It's always an asshole.

If we do get bills in the future, I'm gonna have one word to say: BULLSHIT.

Ever wonder why we pay bills? Where does the money all go? Let's say your monthly bills about 40 or 50 bucks. Your mum/dad pays em' and where do they all go really? WHERE IN THE NAME OF ALL THINGS SACRED DOES OUR PARENTS HARD-EARNED MONEY GO?!

Imagine! What you could buy with 50 bucks or more a month. Your parents or you could buy something worthwhile, like a prepaid card, treating your girlfriend to a fancy restaurant, getting some band t-shirts and stuff like that. Goverments are corrupted, we're all born to be slaves, my man. Peace.

Anyway, it's the end of another weekend. The weekends go by so fast now... Goes to show how we really appreciate our free time, don't it :-\

Eyes wide open, Mercs! More will up soon!

Aideu, mother******!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Mum: *knocking on door* You know, you're still going to need to go to school even though you're only half and hour late. You can't stay in there for another 7 hours you know.


*Ends flashback*

Ah, come on right in. I was just having a flashback of my angsty filled days of Primary School. Now, who here DOESN'T hate Primary school? We all did, it was a time of big-ass kids who had the IQ of a cryogenetically frozen caveman taking your lunch money and giving you wedgies.

I said it once and I'll say it AGAIN. No one and I mean NO ONE has good memories of Primary School, I didn't, that's for sure. WHO in the right mind has good memories of Primary School? You were always treated like 2nd hand pupils and such.

And there's the PSLE. PSLE-makers are assholes, they delibrately set up the required aggregates and subjects just to f**k around with out little immature minds and shit. Wanna know why I repeated P6 twice? Look no further then the goverment and the PSLE-makers, boys and girls.

I swear, this year after I visited Siglap on Teacher's Day I'm going back to Elias Park primary and go all Rambo on their asses. Who's up for it, eh? *glances around audience*

No one???

Ah, ya buncha wet willies

Anyway, that's all the time I have for this particular post. I'll be posting up more sooner then you think, keep an open eye out though. Night fellow Mercs!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I knew there's something about that new hand soap in the bathroom. The ingredients in it SMELLED like on of my meds from the doctor a couple years back. Hmmm...

*Glances up from book*

Ah! Bonjour, didn't hear you come in.

So I just heard that Siglap's having their usual study sessions this time of the year. Seeing as how the 'O's are nearby and almost every single student's busting their chops over something like some DNT wood structutre or something, maybe those guys wanna be lumberjacks when they grow up or something.

'Uh... Hey Bob, check out ma new tree trunk. I'm calling it Betty!'

'You dumbass, that's the giant wooden crane replica the kids built!'

And there goes the next generation. Lumberjacks of the future for those poor souls who took DNT. God bless em' all.


Nah, I'm kidding.

But yeah, I never really liked DNT back then and I despise it EVEN more now. Wanna know why? You SHOULD by now. If you ain't got no idea why I hate it, you've freshly fucked it up with me.

Anyway, I was spending some quality time with the 360 yesterday or so and I was on a roll, slicing up people here and there. Man, Epic Bad-Assness at work... Until my demon sister started up her damn game called 'Audition'

Now, I REALLY in a million f***in' years have no IDEA why that damn game is so appealing to certain types of people. For those of you guys who don't know what the game's about, it's basically this stupid 3-D game with Japanese girls street-dancing and doing some of the most unbelieveable moves such as spinning around on the ground on your freakin HEAD.

Jesus, can these games get any more stupid?! I lost my fuckin' concentration on my game when that shitload of fuck starts playing it's stupid Techno songs. Punk-ass Michael Jackson wannabes dancing around on screen with secondhand game clothing, will someone out there find the creator of the game and disect him? SLOWLY.

Then I was getting used to the beat in the background and all. You know, I sat back on my chair and eased my mind while watching those poor saps on my screen get sliced when THIS happens:

Sis: *whiny voice* Aaron... Entertain me. I see you in school also never talk.



Now, see, we've all got siblings, some of us do anyway. Yeah, so when we have younger siblings we look out for them and teach em' some stuff as they go on about our lives, right? Apparently this method failed and my sis, juding from what I've heard, likes this Aaron guy who just so happens to be in Siglap.

I smell blackmail..

Oh my God, i've got so much to say bout this. But I'm not gonna go on and on bout it for now, maybe tomorrow.

Tally-Ho, fellow Mercs!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Good God, you're so freakin' hard to please, you know that?

I'm out there everyday, at class trying to make you proud of me. I'm doing the best I can, and the sad thing is you can't even tell I'm trying.

Perhaps... It is cause you spent more time at work then at home? You put food on the table for us all the time but maybe you need to sit back and see what we're all really doing. You say I'm wasting my time, goddamn it, why don't you come on over and see how hard I'm doing what I'm doing?

I'm actually typing this out as to not vent out my anger to much. Why do you think I avoid rows with you? It's cause I know for one, I can't win, you'll always have your goddamned freakin' way.

It hurts me more then it hurts you, you know that?

You're my idol, inspiration and pillar of support. But most importantly... You're my DAD, man....

Fuck it, I'm sorry

Thursday, July 16, 2009

So this is something I haven't talked about in a while. I USED to talk about it a lot last year, but don't, cause it's unhealthy, it seriously is.

This kinda came to mind just this morning when I was eating breakfast and a certain TV show caught my eye and I was reminded of a little conversation I had with Amirnur a week before the June holidays. We were on the way back home in the bus, Friday morning, sunny day and comfortable seats in the bus. EPIC.

He was telling me bout why he just wants to stay single for the time being and all. And I felt that I could relate to him in a LOT of ways, I didn't tell him that of course, it slipped my mind when he was talking so I'mma tell it right here.

So let's talk bitchy/prima donna/ type of girlfriends. Their the kind that, like everyone knows, wants to get their way all the time. You go to the mall, you'll see some guy heaving along with him a shit-load of shopping bags and a few feet in front of him, flaunting her new dress is his girlfriend, how sad is that?

There's also another thing, the way they'll get all whiny and mad when you have to end a call early and shit even though you've been on the phone for two FREAKIN' hours. So you'll say something like 'But I'm tired, my body's weary.' then she'll say somethin' like, 'I'mma get myself a better and more attentive person then you.'

Well, go get the young motherfucker, I don't care. Poor fool's turn now to put his phone to his ear every night to hear the sound of sharp nails screeching on a damn blackboard!

It don't take all night to talk bout how's your day, whatcha doing tomorrow, when do you wanna meet up etc. What the fuck you wanna to talk till 3:30am in the fuckin' morning with that kinda shit, what the FUCK am I tryin' to prove here?!!

It don't take all night to talk bout a certain topic, ok for most girls yeah, I understand, I'm talking bout CERTAIN girls here. 30 minutes!!! I'll give ya 30 mins to talk bout a certain topic that's bothering ya! That's a heavyweight 3 round bout, and people get knocked out in the first goddamned round.

You layin' the smackdown on me over the phone screaming stuff like:

Spoilt/Bitchy/Impatient girl: You know what, I can't believe you. This is like, the third you wanted to hang up early! Don't you even care about me anymore?! There's someone else isn't there?! You're hanging out with that stupid shy girl from--


Fuckin' loud mouthed once you get it started then it goes something like this:



Sheesh... All that damned girl-dominates-guy phone calls, I'm sick of it. Like:

Spoilt/Impatient/Bitchy: So, whatcha gonna buy for me next time? Where we gonna go, what are you gonna be doing?

Me: Bust you motherfuckin' head, that's what the fuck I'll do!

Or maybe something like this:

Spoilt/Impatient/Bitchy: Oh, surprise me on Wednesday will you? Those roses are dead and I'll be needing more flowers for my new procelain vase, you see...


Spoilt/Impatient/Bitchy: Oh. so you WON'T do it? I thought we were suppose to shower each other with gifts, roses and soft cuddly toys everytime we meet up--


Jesus, how much more demanding do you wanna get? And when they start pretending to cry and all that shit, just let them go on cause they got to LEARN, they got to learn, the fuck they'll learn...

Then here's another thing, it's something quite personal? On a certain level I guess, now we're all grown here, we've all have some younger siblings that we kinda hate but still love no matter what. But when it comes to that particular period of time when your sis gets a boyfriend, the family's gonna gather round the dinner table and the relatives anre gonna start shaking the heads and saying 'My sister ain't doing a goddamned thing bout her kid, look at her talk to him like that. Oh my, my, my.'

That's why I'mma be my sister's future boyfriend's babysitter. No, I ain't lying! It's TRUE! I'mma prove to everyone I'm a good brother and trustworthy enough to the boyfriend.

I will fuck that guy up.

My sister's don't need to get all suspicious, like what's in it for her or anything. I'm doing this job for free. She don't need no hidden videos lying around the place just to see what's goings on. Cause when he comes right out the room and to where she is, he's gonna look her in the eye and tell her what the fuck's going on.

When he walks out and he's got a cut right on his forehead and blood's spilling down like cherry soda and she screams at me, 'What the fuck happened to my boyfriend???!!!' I'mma tell ya, sis, I took a hammer and slapped THE FUCK OUTTA HIM!!!

Jumpin' on my bed, using my MSN to contact his shit-bags of Ah Bengs and Indian gigolos, showing me his piercings and fucking homo-ass tattos. SIT YO PUNK ASS DOWN.

This is me, Luis Lim, the Merc with a mouth. Night fellow Mercs, eyes wide open with tweezers for the next post up!


Monday, July 13, 2009

Ok, is the window secured? God-awful sons of bitches can be flying around in the rain...

If you guys haven't noticed, it's been raining quite a few times this couple of weeks and when it rains it pours, like we all know. But here's something else, when it rains... It brings in unwanted DISGUSTING visitors.

I'm talking about those bugs, you know the ones who ALWAYs for some reason fly into people's houses. I'm not talking bout those small ones but those big-ass ones with giant wings and big black fuckin' bodies!

Now I'm sure most of you guys have encountered them before. They look like giant wasps but aren't really wasps, there's a name for them I just don't know what it is. But fuck it, they can be called Bees II, Waspinator, W.A.S.P or Bumble-fuckin-wasp for all I care, these guys DO NOT come into my house and scare the shit outta anyone.

And when you do see them, you kinda get into a shocked state and all, so all you could do is scream your freakin' lungs out or turn away and run. I mean, what I'm trying to say is--OH GOD!!!

*Takes out fly swatter in defense*

Oh... Nothing... Oh my God, I need to calm down. Don't think too much bout it, yeah...

So anyway, just this other night last week, I just finished dinner and like any other guy I went to the bathroom to wash up and waddya know? A fuckin' big bug's on the freakin' rug sitting there, thinking my bathroom is a SHELTHER FROM THE RAIN!

Needless to say, the little fu**nut caught me with my pants down. I AM NOT KIDDING. I MEAN IT LITERALLY, HE CAUGHT ME WITH MY PANTS DOWN.

So I ran out to get the swatter and when I got back, the little shit-ball is scrambling to hide behind the damn sink.

Get back here, you little f***ing piece of dog-turd. *whacks mindlessly*

Ok, so I missed and he ended up flying back out into the rain. But HE left and I'm still in the bathroom, LUIS WINS. Gross-out FAIL.

I mean for some reason, those freakin assed bugs keep flying into our houses every single time it rains! It's freakin' annoying, and you know what's worse? IM the one who has to catch them most of the damn time!

Sis: Kuya (Big bro in Tagalog) there's a bee in my room!

Me: WHAT?! Again?! you want me to stop my fucking game to catch some fuckin' bee?!! Holy mother of fuck, you wanna know how those bees get in? CAUSE YOU LEFT THE FUCKIN' WINDOW WIDE OPEN!

And after a bit of arguing, I killed the bee and threw him out the window. I almost half-expected a swarm to come right at me the moment I did that but thank God, there wasn't a nest nearby.

What am I, a insect/creepy crawlie bounty hunter?! Man, my sis is afraid of ants for God's sakes, ANTS! Now, my Dad and Grandpa share my feelings bout our unwanted guests and we EXPRESS our feelings in the most colorful ways possible.

Dad hates lizards, so do I. Hate em', hate em', hate em'.

Now, my grandpa? He's badass, seriously, which senior citizen picks up a cockroach, throws it to the ground hard and stomps the shit outta it? That's HARDCORE.

But the thing is, they aren't around most of the time, which leaves ME to take care of those crawlies in the daylight.

Seriously man, next time there's a bug and I catch it, someone in the household better pay me. My bounty-hunting for crawlies don't come for free, Jesus...


Friday, July 3, 2009

I REALLY don't wanna look at the time now.

You wanna know why?

Oh, it's not that I'm afraid that it's late or anything.

Oh no, no...

*Looks at date*

UGH!!! Two more days till school reopens*@#@#$^&*!!!

But I gotta say, it's been a pretty satisfying 5 or 4 weeks though. I went out, partied hard and really enjoyed myself. Goddamn, must the holidays end so soon? Time really few by, I ain't kidding now.

Pretty soon, we'll all be back to our monotonous lives, waking up, going to school/work, coming home and repeating the same process the next day.

It's all fated, sir. We're bound to be zombies till the day we die.

Ya know, I'm really starting to get creeped out by what I just said. Espacially since it's f****** TRUE, time to lighten things up.

*Throws empty can of Coke at passerby at the street below*

Ah shit, it's a cop...

But really, when was the last time YOU woke up, got dressed for school, glanced outside the window just in time to see a beautiful sunrise before thinking.

'Why am i doing this? It's a beautiful start to the day and I've gotta spend half of it in school? Screw THAT! I could stay at home, read a book, go skateboarding or calling up the guys after THEY'VE finished school. Not going to school one day isn't gonna end the world.'

When was the LAST time you thought like that? Eh? Huh? HUH???!

Speaking of which, I wonder how Siglap has been doing. I haven't been in since Mrs. Lye's leaving party about... I don't know, several weeks ago? I heard their having their orals right about now.


Time DOES fly...


Anyway, I'm done for the night, everyone. But keep an eye out, I'll update sooner then you think though. Cheers, fellow Mercenaries!


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Probably the best 'Fail' compilation vid I found on YouTube so far. Enjoy fellow Mercs...


You know what's bullshit part 7

You know what's bullshit?


I'm not even gonna stress it, this is something everyone hates, curfews are bullshit!

You don't need to teach a kindegarderner bout curfews at all, they won't listen anyway cause they KNOW it's something that will haunt them and their teenage lives in the future.

Nobody likes curfews, so why do certain people keep setting them up?! Cause their Agents of the Devil that's why.

Or maybe Ted Turner, Ted's an asshole.

Take me for example, and this is something i'm not joking about. I AM NOT, I'mma repeat myself, AM NOT allowed to stay out AFTER 10 FREAKIN' PM.

I am DEAD serious, I'm not fucking joking at all. I'm gonna be friggin' 19 this year and I still get the Parent Protection Program on hounding on my ass and keeping tracks of my every damn movement every single day. That's bullshit!

Now when the average guy/girl hits the big 18 or 19, their already considered adults. And it's every parents dream to see their own child stand on their two feet,to be independent. But how are you gonna expect that when you fucking hound them?!

So, what? I'm gonna be checked up on every single hour? Go home every time I'm told to just cause it's a little too late?


So say it out loud, everyone. Cause that's bullshit.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh my God, I've got a headache...


I'm serious...

Dude, stop laughing, can't you see I'm doubled over down here?

You're laughing in your eyes and telling yourself 'He's not gonna update cause he's lazy!' don't lie man, I can see it!

Look, I'll be back tomorrow with a proper update and everything ok? Promise


Monday, June 15, 2009

Ok, so some of you might not know but I'll be taking my BTT (Basic Theory Test) on Driving on Saturday and I've been preparing since 1pm today, no joke.

Anyway, I won't be posting up so much down here till Saturday pasts. I will STILL be active on Facebook and all just not so much.

Oh man, I'm, honest to God, not ready at all for this test but what the hell, I'm just gonna barge right through it and I'm familiar with a couple of the subjects on it, so I HOPE that this time I'll make it through. Wish me luck all right? :)


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ok, and I'm back...

Anyway, it's been a few days, 3 or something something days since I last updated? I don't know, I'm too friggin' lazy to open up a new Tab and have a look. Who in the right mind would want to do that? It's bullshit!

Feroz and Nazri came over today to hang out and Nazri brought his extra controller and his Fifa World 2009 game. I'm not sure what the title was, I never played any ball games on the 360, so i'm stumped. The only sport game I played was Wrestling and boy, did it feel good to suplex some poor soul onto the mat that time.

Nazri wanted to play Left 4 Dead AGAIN. I swear, it's a laugh to fight alongside him and this time he wanted to go all Advanced mode on the zombies. Which got us held up at the most simplest parts of the levels AND our asses handed to those brain dead assholes, I SWEAR some of those zombies actually kicked me while I was down. Literally. Aren't zombies suppose to BITE and tear rather then kick?

It was tough but we pulled through. Nothing stops THIS tag-team. LOL.

AND my mum's birthday is coming up. So what's it gonna be this year? Watch? Bracelet? Necklace? 10,000 pounds of dynamite ready to explode in a matter of moments hidden in the hood of the car?


By God, where did THAT come from?

Maybe a card again... Yes, that should do...

P.S. You want it, you got it, the bullshit is back.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

What, I'm getting tired at 12:27 already?


So I celebrated my sister's birthday on Saturday. And that was it.

I'm friggin' serious all right? No steak-house, no party streamers no apple cider and no--

Get your mind outta it, kid. It's not THAT kinda post.

The holidays are getting off REALLY slow down here. Goddamn, I feel like I'm caught in some time warp and that time is purposely moving slow or something. Somewhere up there, the Fates are munching on popcorn and laughing their damn heads off at me.


Anyway, stay tuned in and I'll be back tomorrow with a longer post. Later everyone and good night.


P.S. I_______________

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Boy, am I pissed...

I shouldn't even be updating this thing. I should be away punching out some poor punching bag's stuffing out. Fuck, I don't have that kind of thing at home cause their unavailable here in this island.



Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ok, now this is REALLY gonna affect me waking up tomorrow and all...

Wait, what am I saying?

It's only 1:42AM, baby. Crank those beer bottles and turn the music up, baby, cause it's GO TIME!

If only they can happen without attracting any blue boys at all. And by blue boys, I mean the cops if you guys didn't know.

So tomorrow's the day of my final exam for the term. The message got out and about that it was gonna be in the computer lab or something, I don't know. And I'm not studying for it? PHOOOO... The rebel meter just went WAY up, baby, don't look now.

And Feroz and I were thinking bout organizing a barbeque or something. A little fun-time since Summer's here and all and trust me, we NEED the fun-time. Damn corrupted timetables.

I'm not sure when, but I think the barbeque's due to happen in two weeks hopefully. And hey, EVERYONE's welcome to come, really! Just leave your name in the tagboard if you wanna come down.

That's it for tonight and I'm gonna go slump down on the bed cause I need, in the name of everything Holy, to get up tomorrow for the exam... Haiz...

How did I get into that particular course again???

PS: Get well soon, kiddo. Much misses...

Friday, May 29, 2009

The End Begins

I REALLY wanna catch this, seriously. If you've watched all three Terminator movies like I have, you'd know how amazingly complex and awesome the storyline, characters and the movie itself really is. Most of it cause Governer Arnie himself played the T-800 terminator and made him one of the best bad-ass Anti-Hero in movie history.

And come to think of it, can you IMAGINE if THAT kind of stuff were to actually happen? Judgement Day, machines vs man, all that kind of stuff?


Yeah, thought so. *shibers*

Anyway, I'm gonna catch it on Sunday or something. Maybe.

And good luck to Sery (Kiddo) on her MT exam on Monday. Go get em' kiddo :D

Till tomorrow!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wow... WHAT a day...

I KNEW for a fact that most people won't turn up after the exam yesterday. So why in the F*** did I still go?!

Oh yeah, *fakes deep snobby teacher voice* Attendace is VERY important here in ITE, so do your absolute BEST to attend every single lesson even though you are sick or someone in your family passed away.

Hrummm... Pussies.

So I went home and Farid and Nazri came over to hang out and give the ol' 360 a go. Which game? Left 4 DEAD.

Now, if you don't know the game Left 4 Dead, you should probably go over to and have a look see. I'm not gonna spend the rest of the entry talking bout it, but if you guys haven't heard of it, you probably should anyway, it's one of the most-talked about video games so far this year.

Anyway, it's their first time playing the game and... Ok, Left 4 Dead is one of those games that need that requires teamwork at times and well...

Let's just say it got ugly a little too fast at times. No joke.

I have never laughed so hard in one single freakin' afternoon for as long as I know. Just seeing Farid get his ass handed to him by zombies in so many ways is too priceless. I wish I could have recorded the gameplay somehow but unfortunately, I don't have the right equipment :\

Tomorrow's the class reunion, wow... I really can't wait for it and I'm somehow getting the urge to skip class tomorrow. NOW TELL ME, ALMIGHTY GODS OF OLYMPUS, SHALL I OR SHALL I NOT?!


The Gods must be asleep...

Speaking of asleep, I think Sery fell asleep on me during our convo in MSN. Who's the old one now, huh kiddo???

Till tomorrow!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Damn, I miss bothering her... Haiz...

Caught her at a bad time twice in a week already. LOL... No worries, kiddo.

And for the record, she DOES have panda eyes LONG before this short convo. Ahahaha!

And now... For something different tonight...


War Journal Entry,
May 28th 2009,
12:05 PM

"The campus is a cesspool, I am sure of it now. More then I ever was in the beginning.
It's corridors are filled with filth and scum who speak like damned drunks in bars.
I have seen it's true face and it is not pretty.
Corruption is everywhere, every single corner, every single turn.
Turn the right corner in the campus and you might find a scandal, a heart broken or a simple foolhardy race for a cheap cigarrette.
Teachers are as broken down and dirty as others. Easier way to collect paychecks while the rats are in their cages.
Whores are everywhere, with their cheap clothes and their hair dyed.
Smoking underneath the radar, gambling, selling their bodies to the scum and filth.
Even the decent-looking girls are selling their bodies to the filthest of rats in their courses.
A girl who is mixed with Indonesian descent is now with a crotch-grabbing mucus of a human being. Girl had bright future ahead. Fool.
And yet, light still peaks out around the dark corners of the campus
A small yet shining light
It'll take more then that to clean up this cesspool.
If there are any decent people left, I do not know of much, only a handful.
And sometimes I think there aren't any decent ones left except for the ones I know.
But the most laughable pieces of scums are the Indians, who strut around.
Possibly homosexual, must remember to investigate."

How'd you all like my 'dark' journal entry? Haha.. I thought I'd do something different for the night though. Blame The Punisher and Rorschach from WATCHMEN, their the ones who inspired me to this particular piece. LOL.

Onward to the next!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen...

After a long hiatus of four days or more, I have returned to blog more about my boring old life which I tend to exaggerate on more then one level.


Sheesh, as if I wanna continue talking like THAT during the rest of this post!

Anyway, it's been a few days since I last posted up something and all. So here's a little vid to make it all up.

Before I post up this vid... You all know Hitler I'm sure.

Well, he wasn't all serious and shit like that and this vid proves why xD.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh praise the Lord...

Tomorrow's Friday.

*Kisses calender in an almost lustful manner*

And no, I'm not a freak. Stop looking at me like that, it's freaking me out.

Who DOESN'T love Fridays? The whole world loves it to death. We'd kill for everyday to BE a Friday, imagine that. All those guys who have white-collar jobs crack open beer bottles and glasses of champagne on Fridays, students go to parties, get wasted and high on Fridays. Kindergarderners sit down in front of the TV and watch Barney the purple gay Dinosaur--

Oh wait, they always do that.

If you hate Fridays, then there are 3 reasons why:

1. You're strange
2. You're a workaholic, not by fate, by CHOICE. NERD!!!
3. You're a freakin' killjoy

If you are one of those three above, preferably number 2. Do the world a favour and change your attitude. Or better yet, kill yourself. Slowly.

Anyway, I'm going back to Siglap to visit Mrs. Lye with Amirnur tomorrow. God, it's been a month or two since I last set foot in there. I miss that place, seriously... I wonder if I'll run into the 'kid' tomorrow... Hmm



Monday, May 18, 2009

*Looks up from book* Oh! Hello, didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to my own personal blog, where you hear me go on endless rants every now and then.

Ok, I'm not gonna act like that the whole way through. What I wanna do is to share with you this little name-thing I found over Aini's blog. It's laughable, really.

Name meaning according to your alphabets
A: You like to drink.
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : You are a damn good kisser.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and looks.
I : You are great in bed.
J : People adore you.
K : You're wild and crazy.
L: Everyone loves you.
M : You are great in bed.
N : You like to drink.
O : You are an awesome kisser.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : You are fucking crazy.
S : You are easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgmental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Best g/f b/f anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready.

Now, let's try it out!

L: Everyone loves you
U: You really like to chill
I: You are great in bed
S: You are easy to fall in love with
I: (See above)
T: You are loyal to those you love
O: You are an awesome kisser

E: You are a damn good kisser
S: (See above)
P: You are popular with all types of people
I: (See above)
N: You like to drink
O: (See above)

L: (See above)
I: (See above)
M: You are great in bed


Ok, so let me get this straight... Everyone loves, me, I like to chill out, I'm easy to fall in love with, I'm loyal, I kiss like a GOD, I'm popular with all the sterotypes around me, I like to get wasted and I'm an animal in bed...

Does that even sound a little too much for you guys?

All in all, it's hilarious and probably something to blog about when you're bored. Till tomorrow! Adieu!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dear pen-pal...

12:21 pm... Huh...

Ok, now I'm really gonna try to make this lengthy and all since my last two posts were about two hours after midnight and I probably sound like some middle-aged woman in her 40's on her first day having her monthly period.

*Dodges thrown TV*

Ok, maybe that was a little over the top, no?

Anyway, I'm not gonna waste any more time. Who here has a pen-pal? For those of you who don't know what a pen-pal is, you probably should anyway. It's someone who lives in another country and you guys talk over MSN or something all the time.

Ok then, show of hands here, who has a pen-pal???

*Glances around at audience*

Huh... Ok then.

Well, meet my pen-pal!

Her name's Ariane, I won't give away her last name and other stuff to respect her privacy and all. And if you think you can get it out of me, you're wrong.

Anyway, her name's Ariane, like I said above.
We've been talking for THREE YEARS, yeah, since 2007
Long friendship, no?
She lives in some part of New Zealand, I forgotten where though.
Anyway, I got to know her over a friend who played this online game
And apparently she plays it to.
Ok, I always thought it would look weird for a girl to play some guy game
But hey, it's a real BIG world out there
So we started talking
And sometimes she surprise me, really
She's bold, crazy and fun to talk to.
Trust me, she's 100% of all that
I have lots more to say but I'm not gonna say them just yet
PRIVACY, look up the word
And that photo up there is edited by me.
Friendship pic, guys, don't TELL me you guys never heard of one
So I'm gonna wrap this up with a song dedicated to her.
Thanks for for being there, Ari
This song's for you :)

Thunder - Boys Like Girls - Boys Like Girls
Ok, look before I...

Dude, am I reading this right?!

102 posts already? Wow shit... You know when I first created this blog I never really expected for the posts to hit the 101.


Old-picture posting time!!!

Sec 1 class photo. We were pimply kids then :D

Welcome to THE HOOD, bitch

We are NOT a gang! KEEP THAT IN MIND! Ahaha

Boys in the Hood

And that's about it for this particular post! I just love those pics, it brings back memories of the good ol' times where life was easier. And to tell you guys the truth, those pics above? Were taken during Sec 3 Final Year EXAMS.

Yeah, take that examinations. We take pictures not caring bout wheather we fail or not. In your face! Welcome to the streets, punk!

Anyway, I'm gonna introduce you guys to someoneone special to me in my eyes. She's someone I've been talking to for the past 3 years and I don't think you any of the guys know her cause she's a pen-pal of mine from New Zealand.

Till tomorrow!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 6

You know what's bullshit?

Those buses that stop by every 15 minutes or more at the bus stop.

Take the 518 bus for example, having to wait at least about 15 f*****g minutes for it to show up is an absolute pain in the anus. Espacially when you're in a hurry. I mean, why do buses going to the city takes so damn long? Do they take turns to take a dumb along the road? Yeah, that'll be something I'd like to have on YouTube.

Or is it because there's only one goddamned bus to the city? Ok, maybe not just one, two. I'm being real nice here, trust me!

Look at all the other buses, they all come every once in a while like 5 minutes to 8 minutes. But some buses take their own freakin' time to drive down the road being road hogs and purposely showing up at the most incovenient of times. That's bullshit!

And another thing that REALLY pisses me off is when the said bus is suppose to arrive at the timing indicated on the board and it doesn't even show up and you'll have to wait like another 10 to 15 f****** minutes for it to arrive but only this time it's accompanied by ANOTHER bus with the same number! What, were they racing to see who hogs the road the most or something? That's bullshit!

So here's what you do, if you plan to go to the city, take a train, plain and simple. But if you want a long journey, that's fine, that's fine. But grab your IPOD and blast the songs away cause that bus of yours isn't coming anytime soon. And that's bullshit.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Let's see...

11:28 pm.

Well, that's something. Usually my posts are at 1 plus or 2. Hmph...

Anyway, these past few days has been...

*Looks at audience*

Audience : MUNDANE!

And there you have it, mundane as f***.

So basically what I've been doing is going to Facebook and doing some quizzes here and there. If you guys have a Facebook, add me up there. E-mail's the same, it's fun and wayyyy better then Friendster. I mean, who uses Friendster still nowadays?

*Looks around for show of hands*

My point exactly.

So I've been listening to this song by The Fray called 'You Found Me'. It's basically, (From what I gathered from the lyrics) is about this guy who's had a pretty bummed out life so far, every night he prays to God to help him out until one day something so bad happens that he declared that it was a little too late for God to even help him out now.


Wow, that's deep, really...

Come to think of it, most of The Fray's songs are all sad and deep. Go search "How To Save a Life" another one of their songs and you'll see what I mean.

So that's it for tonight, I'm ending this cause I really need the beauty sleep for tomorrow before I get to class late again. Sheesh... Talk about dumb ITE teachers and strict timing.

Oh, coming up next is "You Know What's Bullshit"!!!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear Mum:

Thank you so much for putting up with me. It has been rough for you to put up with my dumb acts at times and most of the times when you arrive home from work you're all worked up cause you're doing your part in supproting the family along with Dad.

I never really said it out loud but here I am, typing it out on this thing called a 'blog'. I just wanna say that you're appreciated by me and Anna. Even though we don't show it, we love you mum, with every fibre in our being, we love you. This song is dedicated specially for you.

"When I was young me and my mama had beef
Seventeen years old kicked out on the streets
Though back at the time, I never thought I'd see her face
Ain't a woman alive that could take my mama's place
Suspended from school; and scared to go home, I was a fool
with the big boys, breakin all the rules
I shed tears with my baby sister
Over the years we was poorer than the other little kids
And even though we had different daddy's, the same drama
When things went wrong we'd blame mama
I reminice on the stress I caused, it was hell
Huggin on my mama from a jail cell
And who'd think in elementary?
Heeey! I see the penitentiary, one day
And runnin from the police, that's right
Mama catch me, put a whoopin to my backside
And even as a crack fiend, mama
You always was a black queen, mama
I finally understand
for a woman it ain't easy tryin to raise a man
You always was committed
A poor single mother on welfare, tell me how ya did it
There's no way I can pay you back
But the plan is to show you that I understand
You are appreciated

Now ain't nobody tell us it was fair
No love from my daddy cause the coward wasn't there
He passed away and I didn't cry, cause my anger
wouldn't let me feel for a stranger
They say I'm wrong and I'm heartless, but all along
I was lookin for a father he was gone
I hung around with the Thugs, and even though they sold drugs
They showed a young brother love
I moved out and started really hangin
I needed money of my own so I started slangin
I ain't guilty cause, even though I sell rocks
It feels good puttin money in your mailbox
I love payin rent when the rent's due
I hope ya got the diamond necklace that I sent to you
Cause when I was low you was there for me
And never left me alone because you cared for me
And I could see you comin home after work late
You're in the kitchen tryin to fix us a hot plate
Ya just workin with the scraps you was given
And mama made miracles every Thanksgivin
But now the road got rough, you're alone
You're tryin to raise two bad kids on your own
And there's no way I can pay you back
But my plan is to show you that I understand
You are appreciated

Pour out some liquor and I reminsce, cause through the drama
I can always depend on my mama
And when it seems that I'm hopeless
You say the words that can get me back in focus
When I was sick as a little kid
To keep me happy there's no limit to the things you did
And all my childhood memories
Are full of all the sweet things you did for me
And even though I act craaazy
I gotta thank the Lord that you made me
There are no words that can express how I feel
You never kept a secret, always stayed real
And I appreciate, how you raised me
And all the extra love that you gave me
I wish I could take the pain away
If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day
Everything will be alright if ya hold on
It's a struggle everyday, gotta roll on
And there's no way I can pay you back
But my plan is to show you that I understand
You are appreciated"

For those of you who are curious, the song is "Dear Mama" by Tupac Shakur, Rest in Peace, Mr. Shakur. Hip-Hop isn't the same without you...

Till tomorrow dudes and dudettes!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Boy, am I bushed out or what?

I really loathe these late days. I thought I would have gotten used to it but I'm not. Jesus, you wake up early in the morning and come back around 5 just to feel like some old man who's just been through World War III.

I'm not f***ing exaggerating. It's the freakin' truth.

Anyway, I decided. I'm not gonna go to school tomorrow, serious, honest to God. I think all those late nights are already catching up with me, I feel so freakin' wasted, seriously. I think a good day at home should do it. I just hope I'm not getting sick or anything around this time. Man, that will SUCK.

Now, on whether I should or should not head to school tomorrow, i'll decide after this post. That's all for tonight, cause I think I need to hit the bed NOW before I REALLY shorten my life span or something. Here I come, dreams. Wait for me.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

For some... Reason. I feel strangely light-headed... Ugh... I... Think... It's cause... I'm...

*Head slumps down and begins snoring.*

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Now, I know I wanted to post up something. I just can't remember what...

Oh yeah!

Happy Birthday, Teena. You crazy-rebellious girl, you. LOL...

Enjoy your last ywo years in Siglap and your prom night next year. I know it's a little early to start wishing, but hey, who am I to talk right?

I don't have a present for you though but I miss the few times we hung out together. Me, you, Mira and the guys. I think the one memory that will stay is that fake "Police officer" or "CID" or whatever, I think you know what I'm talking about. Ahaha...

I still think he was a fake though... Hmm...

Anyway, enjoy your day, may all your wishes come true and I'll see you around when I visit Siglap ;-)


You know what's bullshit part 5

You know what's bullshit?

Those sudden jerks after the bus or MRT brakes.

I mean I know there's suppose to be a little jerk whenever you pull a brake on your car or any other automated vehicles but those jerks after the bus/MRT brakes are really a pain in the assf***.

Le'ts picture a scene as usual. You're standing in the middle of the bus with your headphones on, there's a stop coming nearby and you brace yourself for the sudden jerk. But what you didn't expect was that you'll be sent flying around the damn bus like some like some invisible force was pushing you around like from the movie "The Exorcist", that's bullshit!

And sometimes the sudden jerks can be manageable and sometimes their just plain annoying. Some of the jerks will sent you forward slightly while others make you feel like you're being treated like some action figure being thrown around by some big-boned kid with an oversized greas-stained T-Shirt and short pants!

Think about it, why do people ALWAYS grab on so tightly to the handle bars? Cause the damn bus drivers can just slam down on the brakes and the sudden force will make them fly around the bus and they'll have to climb back up and go back to their orginal seats, bullshit!

So here's what to do: Send a letter to ALL bus drivers here in Singapore. Ask them to call for some bus mechanic if there's such a thing and change the freakin' brakes. Cause their BULLSHIT.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ok, now I know I should be counting those sheeps right about now. cause it's 1:43 AM and I got class tomorrow at 8:30 but really, who gives a flying pancake f*** anyways?!

I'm going rebel this month and that means, I'mma go to bed at anytime I want. For this one whole month, I'm the boss and what I say goes. Don't like it? Shoot yourself in the head, or better yet, the crotch.

Anyway, I hung out with Feroz today. Headed over to Peninsula to grab my Band Shirts and guess who we spotted there?

Nazri AKA Skater Dude...

Man, it's been a while since I last saw him. I'm not surprised or anything considering how I Linked him up down here on this thing called 'blog' and we kept in touch over it. Oh boy, Nostalgia's coming again... *sigh*

There's still that class reunion thing coming up though...

Anyway, after I grabbed my band shirts and all, Feroz had to leave to... Ah, you know, I know. Let's keep it that way, eh? LOL...

1:53 AM, boy am I racking up the rebel meter or what?

And for some odd reason, I just had this weird craving for Milo. Ever wonder why they called it Milo in the first place? It's Hot chocolate, yeah, Milo is actually hot chocolate. So why not use hot chocolate instead of coming up with a name for it? That's bullshit!

Speaking of bullshit, you ALL know what's coming up next...

Tomorrow, it's "You know what's bullshit"!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wow... How said is this? I've had the posting section right here in front of my face for about 4 hours and I just started typing out.

Anyway, I know I promised a long post. But I had a REALLY bad day today so I'm just going to keep it short, sorry. And sorry if I seem a little mad now cause I just am. Goddamn it, how would you feel if you can't help a friend in need even though you promised him/her you would?

Shitty, that's what you'll feel.

Look, I think I need to get an early night or something or get out and let loose whichever ways work first. Later... Oh and before I forget...

Where is the moment when needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue sky's fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carrying on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low.
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carrying on

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carrying on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day

(ooh, what a horrible day)

Sometimes the system goes on the blink and the whole thing it turns out
You might not make it back and you know that you could be well oh that
Well I'm not wrong

So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
you see what you like
and how does it feel one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

You had a bad day(x4)

Enjoy the lyrics...

Oh God, I'm fucked... How did I get myself into these types of situations?

Goddamn it, my heart's been on high alert since this morning. Think, goddamn it, think...

I gotta find a way somehow...

Friday, May 1, 2009

It's 2:32 AM and I'm sitting down on my grandma's desk with my laptop on and a glass of water in my hand. For some freakin' reason, my throat's feeling dried up. Shit on a stick...

Anyway, today about... 8 hours ago or so. I went over to Far East Plaza to watch Feroz perform, Aini and Siti tagged along. I was kinda hoping to introduce them to the guys, espacially Nashrah and Hannah. But since they took their own sweet time walking around Orchard and all, I'd say the meeting was to be due at another time.

After the performance, said goodbye to the guys and headed over to the Esplanade with Siti and Aini...

And boy, have I missed out a LOT or what?

The Esplanade is, in simple terms, AWESOME on a cosmic level. I always thought it was just some place to sit but slap my butt-cheeks and call me granddaddy, it's AMAZING.

Maybe it's cause it's night, I don't know but in short. It's f***in' amazing, I'll tell you that. I'm kinda hoping to head back there this Sunday though...

Aini and Siti were a crazy bunch. Crazy in a good way, now. Put down those machetes before you behead me, I said crazy in a good way. LOL...

And I KNOW I sound dead tired and I am. I'm just posting this entry, if I wasn't so tired, I'd have a lot to say. But now, my fingers are all lazy and I know I'm gonna wake up around 11 or so tomorrow which I hope not and all. And look it's 3:07 AM already and something tells me I should sleep, like NOW.

Anyway, I kinda hope to hang out with Siti and Aini again. And sorry for my bleary-eyed post tonight, I'll post up a much more detailed one tomorrow.

Nights dudes and dudettes...


Thursday, April 30, 2009

The tagboard's being as asshole. I'm really beginning to hate that screwed up piece of dog-turd. All I want to see are my goddamned comments on the tagboard damn it!

It's a short post, I hope that the tagboarrd will be back later or something. Stupid piece of crap on an ice-cream stick.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Ok, I'm not sure if a 'Whoa' could cut it. I'm thinking...

A 'Holy shit' could do pretty well too.

Anyway, I just logged on to this little website called blogspot and glanced over at my Tagboard and... Woooo-we, that's something all right.

Look over at my Tagboard and you'll see what I'm talking about. It looks like Siti's back and she's got more words to say to the already-'vanquished visitor' of mine that seemed to have gotten cold feet about a day ago. LOL

Ok... Wow, she's got tons to say bout Haters. I think I might need to take down some of her words, I could use them for future uses against people I REALLY hate. Hahas ^^

Ow... And there goes the threat against the 'visitor'. Can she really track him down and hurt him/her? Well, if she can, grab that video camera and call me up! That vid's going up on YouTube!

Well, you did it again, Siti. You showed that 'visitor' the PROPER way outta people's blogs and...

Excuse me while I go get my connection problem sorted out...

Ok, and I'm back.

So yeah, like I said, Siti did it again and proved her awesome way of getting the Haters out of the blog although if I were that 'visitor' guy/girl. I'd worry about Siti tracking him/her down via that... Thing she promised to do with the computer and all. You don't mess with an IT student, they have the powers to disassemble and reassemble your laptop/computer/other lectronic items with thier mind power.

I really gotta lay off the comics sometimes...

Anyway, now that Siti had her share of bashing at the 'visitor'. Perhaps I should take my turn now.

To you, my psychotic-possiby overweight-mentally challenged-cow humping transvestite of a visitor:

Why do you do this?

Why do you go go around on people's blogs posting up rude comments about them?

Have you ever asked yourself that?

That is the question.

I have a few theories of my own on why you would want to do this. Is it because you were abandoned at childbirth because your parents knew they were bringing up a future psychotic Hater? Are you the result of a one night stand? Did Daddy not give you any attention? Was Mummy a sadist?

And most importantly, did your boyfriend/girlfriend dump you?

And since you are no longer visitng my blog, I do not expect an answer at all.

You say I am immature? You put up hate comments on people's tagboards. I calm myself if I have beef with the person.

You insult. I rationalize.

Now, I'm not being the immature one anymore now am I?

No answer. I'm not surprised, Siti did a good job shutting you up. Better then what I would have done anyway. I am a loser? Incorrect, my paranoid nutjob, YOU are.

Your comp will explode? Well, I wouldn't disagree on that. I most certainly hope that you were caught in the blast, had your face horribly burned off with your skin unable to grow back. Thus, damaging your self-confidence for the rest of your life.

Welcome to the real world, Hater. Welcome to MY world...

Boy, now I really gotta stop on those 'Punisher' comics a while.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 4

You know what's bullshit?

The automatic-flushing toilets at Tampines Mall.

If you never been to Tampines Mall (You need to get out more) or only visited there once or twice, you guys should know what I'm talking about. What's wrong with those toilets? Their assholes!

If you guys don't know what I'm talking about, those toilets at Tampines Mall somehow has some automatic flush system. So you think "Ok, cool. That doesn't sound to bad."

Well it is, imagine, you going into a toilet to do your business with Nature. You sit down on the toilet seat and before you can even do anything, the toilet flushes by itself! What's so wrong about that? The f***in' water splashes your behind every single damn time it flushes!

Some people might have gotten used to it by now. But can you imagine what might be going on through the mind of others as THEY sat down in the cubicle? Imagine THEM having thier asses sprayed with cold water before doing their damned business. That's bullshit!

You know, I actually have a lot to say about this topic. But I can't as the stuff I wish to say are either to disgusting or just plain weird. So what you're seeing me type out is just a so-called censored version, yeah right... Pfft...

So what you gotta do when you really need to use those toilets? Go to the cubicle, pull down your pants, take your dump, pull it up, forget bout wiping your behind with all those papers and just let those toilets flush by themselves. Cause automated toilets that flush every 5 freakin' seconds? That's BULLSHIT.


Monday, April 27, 2009


Ok, where do I start, Holy shit...

Now, probably most of the people I know personally know the fact that I'm pretty vengeful or veangeful, however the hell you wanna spell it. And I don't take kindly to haters at all. Oh, I'll banter with them word for word, you can count on me on that one.

Now, if you look at my tagboard. One of Aini's friends (If you guys don't know who she is by now. Back track a few entries.) Siti Nana, I'm not sure if I myself spelled it out right, I think I did.

Anyway, what she typed out to the so-called 'visitor' has made me come to this conclusion. If I have to summarize what she typed out to the freak of a visitor in a sentence. It would be this:


Holy shit, I never expected to see THAT on my tagboard at all! Goddamn that was awesome! Man, oh man... Can anyone give me a long DAMN???

To Siti Nana or Siti: You're awesome, I really couldn't have done it better myself. Honest to God, I swear. As far as I'm concerned, you're A-OK in my book, oh and you're linked already :)

To the 'visitor': Yes, she does have a point. Why not put your name up, you lousy pile of horse-turd? As far as I know, what she said Siti said to you? You just got OWNED, BITCH.

Next up is a entry of "You know what's bullshit"!!!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Oh man, I feel like shit...

I have absolutely no idea what to do tomorrow, to tell you the truth. I've already worn out my list of movies to watch over video and I think I'm gonna get all nostalgia already on certain things... Sheesh.

And in a few hours, right now in fact, is a Sunday. And Sundays are the worse, really. Knowing the fact that in a few hours is the last day of the weekend really makes me wanna groan like hell.

What can you do on a Sunday? Nothing really, knowing that the fact that tomorrow's a f***ing school day and that you're early nights are already at an end after two days. To some people, I don't know, must be those overly cheerful ones who haven't experienced the dark side of life, think that Sunday is a GREAT day for having fun.

Right, I'm sure you'll wanna go to bed early cause of classes the next day! *School boy's voice-over* Golly gee! School, I'm so excited I wanna scream my lungs out! HOORAY! Another long week of teachers bossing us around with impossible tasks and amazingly boring lectures! WOOO!!!

Yeah right...

It's gonna be just another day in the life of Luis Lim, Half Filipino, Half Chinese... Will something exciting or other-worldly happen in my life just once? Jeez...

This is where I take off though... In 5,4,3,2 and...


PS: I understand that you've been frustrated lately cause of work and we can't talk much as we did last time. I understand that then and I understand it now, I'm just glad that we can manage a small conversation even though you're stressed out with your work at times, I'm sorry though that I annoy you sometimes and believe me when I say that I'll try not to anymore :-)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ok, it's a fast one...

Remember yesterday when I said to leave a comment on whether I was to 'immature' to let Envy/Jealousy take over me? And um... Thank you, Mr/Miss/Mrs. I-can't-pronounce-your-name-right-cause-you-probably-failed-English-in-school-psychopath. Thanks for your brutal and honest opinion.

Seriously, who the hell is this guy/girl? Sheesh...

If you're a spammer, you can take your spamming and GTFO. It means get the F**k out for those who don't really understad what GTFO means. You all probably do by now.

Anyway, today was boring, nearly half the class ditched class and for some reason, i contemplated on it. Who doesn't contemplate on ditching class once anyway? Unless you're a nerd or some goody-two shoes.

Are you?

After class ended, I headed down to Feroz's place to slack off with Nashrah and Hannah for a little while. Ah, memories of High School are flooding back happily. Goddamn it, I miss those days when everything was easier...

Oh and I ran into Miss. Tan, my former Science Teacher back at Siglap. That sure raised the nostalgia metre.

And I get to head out to my rooftop this evening before dinner. Everything looked so amazing from up there, I got to watch the sunset on the roof for the first time ever. Man... I wished they would keep the door to the rooftop unlocked almost everyday...

Well this is where I hang my hat. I'd continue on with the entry but I made a promise to sleep early tonight. Later dudes and dudettes!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Now, there are some things I REALLY wanna get off my chest here.

I don't know if I can right here on a BLOG. But... No, no. I'd rather release all my thoughts to someone or even better to no one in particular.

You know what I really need? A big dumbass bully, I don't care if he's got brains or not. To beat the hell out of.

Tell me something, and I don't care if you answer or not. If you do, give me a honest answer. I'm dead fucking serious, see, I didn't censor out the 'F' word. That's how serious I am.

So just tell me a goddamned honest answer if you have one.

Am I not being matured enough? Is that why Envy/Jealousy attack me so?

When someone has the answer to that, leave it on my Tag board.

There's something else I wanna say though. But I'm not gonna say it on this post, and God KNOWS how much I wanna type it out right here and now but I won't. I'll wait till tomorrow to post it up.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I had a great afternoon. It hit one of my 'Memorable memories' list and I'm gonna remember this afternoon for a very long time. I'm serious...

As for the thing I wished to type out but didn't? I HAVE a LOT to say bout that topic so don't get to cocky now, topic.

That goddamned drawer won't open to let me get my charger for my IPOD. God's hating me nowadays.

Later dudes and dudettes,


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ladies and Gentleman, what are the seven Deadly sins?

Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Pride, Greed and Envy.

You've probably heard of them if you guys take Literature classes or do some deep insight research on certain stuff like me. According to some monks, these seven deadly sins are meant to be dark evil thoughts of the Devil.

Actually one of those seven sins actually paid me a visit in the evening, did you know?

Yeah, Envy.

And I gotta tell you, trying to fight Envy is NOT easy. It just doesn't come once in a while for everyone. It comes almost everyday if you don't conquer it... AT ALL.

Everyone has their on way of dealing with it? Me? I'd rather have Envy/Jealousy materialize into a person so I can show him/her how I 'welcome' jealous/envious thoughts into my life.

I KNOW I'm not the only one who has gotten these feelings. So here are a few things you can do to forget bout the envy or fight it:

1. Put on any song with a good loud head-banging beat and destructive lyrics. Relax and let your mind be one with that particular song.

2. Got a violent action packed movie? Pop that f***er right in the DVD player, imagine yourself as the protagonist and scream, and I mean SCREAM your lungs out whenever the hero does something mind-blowing.

3. Go to some sports store and hope they have a punching bag you can hang from the ceiling. Get a pair of boxing gloves and just pound away at the bag imagining it as your point of frustration.

Ok, so that's three. If you guys have a better way of dealing with envy/jealousy, do it. And let me in on your secret as well.

Anyway, back to my so-called battle with Envy/Jealousy. Jesus, I thought listening to my songs was gonna get rid of it. NO. I even watched my Rambo trilogy, Die Hard trilogy, The Punisher, Batman: The Dark Knight, the Bourne trilogy, everything! Every single violent bloody action-packed movie I had failed to get rid of the Envy/Jealousy.

So I decided to go on with the rest of the evening. After dinner, I went off to watch another movie, V For Vendetta. You guys might have heard of it, I never went to see it in the theatres, I only watched it through DVD which was a pity.

And that's when that little shit Envy/Jealousy popped up again.

Envy/Jealousy: Someone's trying to ignore their feelings... Ooohhh.

Me: Will you shut up? I'm not ignoring the feelings, I'm expressing it.

Envy/Jealousy: By being quiet? Watching some movies? Listening to songs? Bah! Bullshit!

Me: Worked on you before didn't it?

Envy/Jealousy: This time your jealous feelings are flowing so strongly inside you. I can feel it! You're jealous cause...

Me: Like I said, it's NOTHING NEW

Envy/Jealousy: Uh...

Me: Hail to the king, baby.

Ok, no I'm not going crazy. That's what me and Envy/Jealousy were talking like... Psychologically speaking of course...

Anyway, this is where I hang my hat for tonight. Later dudes and dudettes!

PS: I WON'T say what it was I was envious or jealous about. The only way you'll know is to get a mind-reading power like Professor X's and get into my head.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Wow, 1:53am. Ok...

I'm actually supposed to be in bed cause I got class tomorrow. But for some reason, I just can't sleep. God, I feel like such a sissy saying that, goddamn it.

So here I am, 1:56am in the morning typing out this post. I planned to post it up earlier and all but my fingers were to darn lazy to even make a move.

Today was quite revealing actually. I didn't fall asleep in that old guy's class, that's one and other stuff that happened during the day like me eating spinach with a loaf of bread.

Spinach on a loaf of bread. How 'Failtacular'.

Oh and by the way...

'I stand on this piece of land called the world.
The end is nigh and it made me curl
In the darkest hour,
most fear and cower
The light's burning brightly
she has come to take me
ever so lightly.
And when kingdom comes
All will be said and done.'

I know, most of you think it's gibberish. Yeah, it's not my best I know...

I feel so worn out and yet I'm not sleepy. Screw it, I'm just gonna go ponder in one corner. Later dudes and dudettes.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 4

You want it. You got it. The 'bullshit' is back.

Ok, before I start ranting. Let me remind you all that this is completely satirical. Don't know the meaning of the word, look it up.


You know what's bullshit?


How many times have you ever been held up in traffic in a week? Some of you might not have your driver's license but I'm sure most of you guys got held up with your parents in your Dad's car. And think about it, why are all those people in the cars agead honking their horns? It's cause some asshole holding up the traffic way up front!

And sometimes when the jam is over, the cars start MOVING on slowly again. It's like some aftermath of some apocalyptic event and the cars engines are just starting up. This is what happens when traffic starts, it's bullshit!

Some students gotta go to school and some adults need to head to work. But how in the hell can they do that if some jerk-wad's up way front doing God knows what inside his car! What did his car radio suddenly got busted? Did his balls got caught in the engine? WHAT?!

So, here's what to do. The next time you and your parents get caught in a jam. Get the f*** outta your car, run all the way forward, find some flashy nice sports car or a motorcycle, throw the driver out and take his car and drive off. Cause traffic's BULLSHIT

PS: I know it's not one of my best but hey, it's 12:42...


Friday, April 17, 2009

LOL. what can I say? I love those 'Fail' images I find over the Net. Even better, I love watching those video compilations on YouTube. I swear to God, they crack me up so hard I think my insides are about to come bursting through my stomach every time I see a good one.

Anyway, I fell asleep again in class and let me tell you, it was a break from all those lessons, yes. The sad thing is, even the teacher from my module can make watching funny videos look boring and make me fall asleep!!!

Son of a bitch! He did it again, he made me fall asleep when we were actually doing something interesting. Good God, if he does this one more time, I'mma head back to Siglap and spent another 4 years there!

Speaking of that, I haven't posted up another 'You Know What's Bullshit' entry for a while. I'm starting to miss my own satirical rantings about the unnecessary things in life though. I'll get on it tomorrow...

Anyway, this entry is about someone who I've somehow grown closer to in just a matter of days...

We met in the most unusual of places.
Ok, not SO unusual. You could even call it common.
I swear, it's like we're somehow telekinetically connected or something.
She can read my mind and I can read hers.
It makes me smile everytime that happens.
About her...
I said this about lots of other girls in the past and I'mma say it again
She's really something...
She's so patient, nice and so easy to get along with.
She laughs at my jokes even though I know their lame.
She's the type of girl that's hard to find these days
with all those 'bad-girls' or Minahs going around
So yeah, I could say I'm a lucky guy.
Now, most of you know I'm not a dashing or a surfer dude type of guy
My buds would know that I'm more of the couch potato, family and friend-caring type
Hell, some would even call me the comic-book relief guy.
The comic-book relief guy is the one who always gets himself in unexpected situations. And always gets away with it, never failing to get a laugh out of those who know him.
But she doesn't care.
She just likes talking to me and appreciating who I am.
And I'm glad for that, very.
I told her me being shy is unique.
She told me being brave to tell her what I wanted to tell her would make me more unique.
I smiled and told her what I wanted to tell her.
No voice, no glory, I guess...
