Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dear pen-pal...

12:21 pm... Huh...

Ok, now I'm really gonna try to make this lengthy and all since my last two posts were about two hours after midnight and I probably sound like some middle-aged woman in her 40's on her first day having her monthly period.

*Dodges thrown TV*

Ok, maybe that was a little over the top, no?

Anyway, I'm not gonna waste any more time. Who here has a pen-pal? For those of you who don't know what a pen-pal is, you probably should anyway. It's someone who lives in another country and you guys talk over MSN or something all the time.

Ok then, show of hands here, who has a pen-pal???

*Glances around at audience*

Huh... Ok then.

Well, meet my pen-pal!

Her name's Ariane, I won't give away her last name and other stuff to respect her privacy and all. And if you think you can get it out of me, you're wrong.

Anyway, her name's Ariane, like I said above.
We've been talking for THREE YEARS, yeah, since 2007
Long friendship, no?
She lives in some part of New Zealand, I forgotten where though.
Anyway, I got to know her over a friend who played this online game
And apparently she plays it to.
Ok, I always thought it would look weird for a girl to play some guy game
But hey, it's a real BIG world out there
So we started talking
And sometimes she surprise me, really
She's bold, crazy and fun to talk to.
Trust me, she's 100% of all that
I have lots more to say but I'm not gonna say them just yet
PRIVACY, look up the word
And that photo up there is edited by me.
Friendship pic, guys, don't TELL me you guys never heard of one
So I'm gonna wrap this up with a song dedicated to her.
Thanks for for being there, Ari
This song's for you :)

Thunder - Boys Like Girls - Boys Like Girls

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