Wednesday, May 27, 2009

And now... For something different tonight...


War Journal Entry,
May 28th 2009,
12:05 PM

"The campus is a cesspool, I am sure of it now. More then I ever was in the beginning.
It's corridors are filled with filth and scum who speak like damned drunks in bars.
I have seen it's true face and it is not pretty.
Corruption is everywhere, every single corner, every single turn.
Turn the right corner in the campus and you might find a scandal, a heart broken or a simple foolhardy race for a cheap cigarrette.
Teachers are as broken down and dirty as others. Easier way to collect paychecks while the rats are in their cages.
Whores are everywhere, with their cheap clothes and their hair dyed.
Smoking underneath the radar, gambling, selling their bodies to the scum and filth.
Even the decent-looking girls are selling their bodies to the filthest of rats in their courses.
A girl who is mixed with Indonesian descent is now with a crotch-grabbing mucus of a human being. Girl had bright future ahead. Fool.
And yet, light still peaks out around the dark corners of the campus
A small yet shining light
It'll take more then that to clean up this cesspool.
If there are any decent people left, I do not know of much, only a handful.
And sometimes I think there aren't any decent ones left except for the ones I know.
But the most laughable pieces of scums are the Indians, who strut around.
Possibly homosexual, must remember to investigate."

How'd you all like my 'dark' journal entry? Haha.. I thought I'd do something different for the night though. Blame The Punisher and Rorschach from WATCHMEN, their the ones who inspired me to this particular piece. LOL.

Onward to the next!

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