Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wow... WHAT a day...

I KNEW for a fact that most people won't turn up after the exam yesterday. So why in the F*** did I still go?!

Oh yeah, *fakes deep snobby teacher voice* Attendace is VERY important here in ITE, so do your absolute BEST to attend every single lesson even though you are sick or someone in your family passed away.

Hrummm... Pussies.

So I went home and Farid and Nazri came over to hang out and give the ol' 360 a go. Which game? Left 4 DEAD.

Now, if you don't know the game Left 4 Dead, you should probably go over to and have a look see. I'm not gonna spend the rest of the entry talking bout it, but if you guys haven't heard of it, you probably should anyway, it's one of the most-talked about video games so far this year.

Anyway, it's their first time playing the game and... Ok, Left 4 Dead is one of those games that need that requires teamwork at times and well...

Let's just say it got ugly a little too fast at times. No joke.

I have never laughed so hard in one single freakin' afternoon for as long as I know. Just seeing Farid get his ass handed to him by zombies in so many ways is too priceless. I wish I could have recorded the gameplay somehow but unfortunately, I don't have the right equipment :\

Tomorrow's the class reunion, wow... I really can't wait for it and I'm somehow getting the urge to skip class tomorrow. NOW TELL ME, ALMIGHTY GODS OF OLYMPUS, SHALL I OR SHALL I NOT?!


The Gods must be asleep...

Speaking of asleep, I think Sery fell asleep on me during our convo in MSN. Who's the old one now, huh kiddo???

Till tomorrow!


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