Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Let's see...

11:28 pm.

Well, that's something. Usually my posts are at 1 plus or 2. Hmph...

Anyway, these past few days has been...

*Looks at audience*

Audience : MUNDANE!

And there you have it, mundane as f***.

So basically what I've been doing is going to Facebook and doing some quizzes here and there. If you guys have a Facebook, add me up there. E-mail's the same, it's fun and wayyyy better then Friendster. I mean, who uses Friendster still nowadays?

*Looks around for show of hands*

My point exactly.

So I've been listening to this song by The Fray called 'You Found Me'. It's basically, (From what I gathered from the lyrics) is about this guy who's had a pretty bummed out life so far, every night he prays to God to help him out until one day something so bad happens that he declared that it was a little too late for God to even help him out now.


Wow, that's deep, really...

Come to think of it, most of The Fray's songs are all sad and deep. Go search "How To Save a Life" another one of their songs and you'll see what I mean.

So that's it for tonight, I'm ending this cause I really need the beauty sleep for tomorrow before I get to class late again. Sheesh... Talk about dumb ITE teachers and strict timing.

Oh, coming up next is "You Know What's Bullshit"!!!


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