Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 5

You know what's bullshit?

Those sudden jerks after the bus or MRT brakes.

I mean I know there's suppose to be a little jerk whenever you pull a brake on your car or any other automated vehicles but those jerks after the bus/MRT brakes are really a pain in the assf***.

Le'ts picture a scene as usual. You're standing in the middle of the bus with your headphones on, there's a stop coming nearby and you brace yourself for the sudden jerk. But what you didn't expect was that you'll be sent flying around the damn bus like some like some invisible force was pushing you around like from the movie "The Exorcist", that's bullshit!

And sometimes the sudden jerks can be manageable and sometimes their just plain annoying. Some of the jerks will sent you forward slightly while others make you feel like you're being treated like some action figure being thrown around by some big-boned kid with an oversized greas-stained T-Shirt and short pants!

Think about it, why do people ALWAYS grab on so tightly to the handle bars? Cause the damn bus drivers can just slam down on the brakes and the sudden force will make them fly around the bus and they'll have to climb back up and go back to their orginal seats, bullshit!

So here's what to do: Send a letter to ALL bus drivers here in Singapore. Ask them to call for some bus mechanic if there's such a thing and change the freakin' brakes. Cause their BULLSHIT.


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