Thursday, May 14, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 6

You know what's bullshit?

Those buses that stop by every 15 minutes or more at the bus stop.

Take the 518 bus for example, having to wait at least about 15 f*****g minutes for it to show up is an absolute pain in the anus. Espacially when you're in a hurry. I mean, why do buses going to the city takes so damn long? Do they take turns to take a dumb along the road? Yeah, that'll be something I'd like to have on YouTube.

Or is it because there's only one goddamned bus to the city? Ok, maybe not just one, two. I'm being real nice here, trust me!

Look at all the other buses, they all come every once in a while like 5 minutes to 8 minutes. But some buses take their own freakin' time to drive down the road being road hogs and purposely showing up at the most incovenient of times. That's bullshit!

And another thing that REALLY pisses me off is when the said bus is suppose to arrive at the timing indicated on the board and it doesn't even show up and you'll have to wait like another 10 to 15 f****** minutes for it to arrive but only this time it's accompanied by ANOTHER bus with the same number! What, were they racing to see who hogs the road the most or something? That's bullshit!

So here's what you do, if you plan to go to the city, take a train, plain and simple. But if you want a long journey, that's fine, that's fine. But grab your IPOD and blast the songs away cause that bus of yours isn't coming anytime soon. And that's bullshit.


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