Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ok, now I know I should be counting those sheeps right about now. cause it's 1:43 AM and I got class tomorrow at 8:30 but really, who gives a flying pancake f*** anyways?!

I'm going rebel this month and that means, I'mma go to bed at anytime I want. For this one whole month, I'm the boss and what I say goes. Don't like it? Shoot yourself in the head, or better yet, the crotch.

Anyway, I hung out with Feroz today. Headed over to Peninsula to grab my Band Shirts and guess who we spotted there?

Nazri AKA Skater Dude...

Man, it's been a while since I last saw him. I'm not surprised or anything considering how I Linked him up down here on this thing called 'blog' and we kept in touch over it. Oh boy, Nostalgia's coming again... *sigh*

There's still that class reunion thing coming up though...

Anyway, after I grabbed my band shirts and all, Feroz had to leave to... Ah, you know, I know. Let's keep it that way, eh? LOL...

1:53 AM, boy am I racking up the rebel meter or what?

And for some odd reason, I just had this weird craving for Milo. Ever wonder why they called it Milo in the first place? It's Hot chocolate, yeah, Milo is actually hot chocolate. So why not use hot chocolate instead of coming up with a name for it? That's bullshit!

Speaking of bullshit, you ALL know what's coming up next...

Tomorrow, it's "You know what's bullshit"!


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