Friday, July 3, 2009

I REALLY don't wanna look at the time now.

You wanna know why?

Oh, it's not that I'm afraid that it's late or anything.

Oh no, no...

*Looks at date*

UGH!!! Two more days till school reopens*@#@#$^&*!!!

But I gotta say, it's been a pretty satisfying 5 or 4 weeks though. I went out, partied hard and really enjoyed myself. Goddamn, must the holidays end so soon? Time really few by, I ain't kidding now.

Pretty soon, we'll all be back to our monotonous lives, waking up, going to school/work, coming home and repeating the same process the next day.

It's all fated, sir. We're bound to be zombies till the day we die.

Ya know, I'm really starting to get creeped out by what I just said. Espacially since it's f****** TRUE, time to lighten things up.

*Throws empty can of Coke at passerby at the street below*

Ah shit, it's a cop...

But really, when was the last time YOU woke up, got dressed for school, glanced outside the window just in time to see a beautiful sunrise before thinking.

'Why am i doing this? It's a beautiful start to the day and I've gotta spend half of it in school? Screw THAT! I could stay at home, read a book, go skateboarding or calling up the guys after THEY'VE finished school. Not going to school one day isn't gonna end the world.'

When was the LAST time you thought like that? Eh? Huh? HUH???!

Speaking of which, I wonder how Siglap has been doing. I haven't been in since Mrs. Lye's leaving party about... I don't know, several weeks ago? I heard their having their orals right about now.


Time DOES fly...


Anyway, I'm done for the night, everyone. But keep an eye out, I'll update sooner then you think though. Cheers, fellow Mercenaries!


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