Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ok, now this is REALLY gonna affect me waking up tomorrow and all...

Wait, what am I saying?

It's only 1:42AM, baby. Crank those beer bottles and turn the music up, baby, cause it's GO TIME!

If only they can happen without attracting any blue boys at all. And by blue boys, I mean the cops if you guys didn't know.

So tomorrow's the day of my final exam for the term. The message got out and about that it was gonna be in the computer lab or something, I don't know. And I'm not studying for it? PHOOOO... The rebel meter just went WAY up, baby, don't look now.

And Feroz and I were thinking bout organizing a barbeque or something. A little fun-time since Summer's here and all and trust me, we NEED the fun-time. Damn corrupted timetables.

I'm not sure when, but I think the barbeque's due to happen in two weeks hopefully. And hey, EVERYONE's welcome to come, really! Just leave your name in the tagboard if you wanna come down.

That's it for tonight and I'm gonna go slump down on the bed cause I need, in the name of everything Holy, to get up tomorrow for the exam... Haiz...

How did I get into that particular course again???

PS: Get well soon, kiddo. Much misses...

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