Saturday, June 27, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 7

You know what's bullshit?


I'm not even gonna stress it, this is something everyone hates, curfews are bullshit!

You don't need to teach a kindegarderner bout curfews at all, they won't listen anyway cause they KNOW it's something that will haunt them and their teenage lives in the future.

Nobody likes curfews, so why do certain people keep setting them up?! Cause their Agents of the Devil that's why.

Or maybe Ted Turner, Ted's an asshole.

Take me for example, and this is something i'm not joking about. I AM NOT, I'mma repeat myself, AM NOT allowed to stay out AFTER 10 FREAKIN' PM.

I am DEAD serious, I'm not fucking joking at all. I'm gonna be friggin' 19 this year and I still get the Parent Protection Program on hounding on my ass and keeping tracks of my every damn movement every single day. That's bullshit!

Now when the average guy/girl hits the big 18 or 19, their already considered adults. And it's every parents dream to see their own child stand on their two feet,to be independent. But how are you gonna expect that when you fucking hound them?!

So, what? I'm gonna be checked up on every single hour? Go home every time I'm told to just cause it's a little too late?


So say it out loud, everyone. Cause that's bullshit.


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