Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ok, it's a fast one...

Remember yesterday when I said to leave a comment on whether I was to 'immature' to let Envy/Jealousy take over me? And um... Thank you, Mr/Miss/Mrs. I-can't-pronounce-your-name-right-cause-you-probably-failed-English-in-school-psychopath. Thanks for your brutal and honest opinion.

Seriously, who the hell is this guy/girl? Sheesh...

If you're a spammer, you can take your spamming and GTFO. It means get the F**k out for those who don't really understad what GTFO means. You all probably do by now.

Anyway, today was boring, nearly half the class ditched class and for some reason, i contemplated on it. Who doesn't contemplate on ditching class once anyway? Unless you're a nerd or some goody-two shoes.

Are you?

After class ended, I headed down to Feroz's place to slack off with Nashrah and Hannah for a little while. Ah, memories of High School are flooding back happily. Goddamn it, I miss those days when everything was easier...

Oh and I ran into Miss. Tan, my former Science Teacher back at Siglap. That sure raised the nostalgia metre.

And I get to head out to my rooftop this evening before dinner. Everything looked so amazing from up there, I got to watch the sunset on the roof for the first time ever. Man... I wished they would keep the door to the rooftop unlocked almost everyday...

Well this is where I hang my hat. I'd continue on with the entry but I made a promise to sleep early tonight. Later dudes and dudettes!


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