Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ladies and Gentleman, what are the seven Deadly sins?

Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Pride, Greed and Envy.

You've probably heard of them if you guys take Literature classes or do some deep insight research on certain stuff like me. According to some monks, these seven deadly sins are meant to be dark evil thoughts of the Devil.

Actually one of those seven sins actually paid me a visit in the evening, did you know?

Yeah, Envy.

And I gotta tell you, trying to fight Envy is NOT easy. It just doesn't come once in a while for everyone. It comes almost everyday if you don't conquer it... AT ALL.

Everyone has their on way of dealing with it? Me? I'd rather have Envy/Jealousy materialize into a person so I can show him/her how I 'welcome' jealous/envious thoughts into my life.

I KNOW I'm not the only one who has gotten these feelings. So here are a few things you can do to forget bout the envy or fight it:

1. Put on any song with a good loud head-banging beat and destructive lyrics. Relax and let your mind be one with that particular song.

2. Got a violent action packed movie? Pop that f***er right in the DVD player, imagine yourself as the protagonist and scream, and I mean SCREAM your lungs out whenever the hero does something mind-blowing.

3. Go to some sports store and hope they have a punching bag you can hang from the ceiling. Get a pair of boxing gloves and just pound away at the bag imagining it as your point of frustration.

Ok, so that's three. If you guys have a better way of dealing with envy/jealousy, do it. And let me in on your secret as well.

Anyway, back to my so-called battle with Envy/Jealousy. Jesus, I thought listening to my songs was gonna get rid of it. NO. I even watched my Rambo trilogy, Die Hard trilogy, The Punisher, Batman: The Dark Knight, the Bourne trilogy, everything! Every single violent bloody action-packed movie I had failed to get rid of the Envy/Jealousy.

So I decided to go on with the rest of the evening. After dinner, I went off to watch another movie, V For Vendetta. You guys might have heard of it, I never went to see it in the theatres, I only watched it through DVD which was a pity.

And that's when that little shit Envy/Jealousy popped up again.

Envy/Jealousy: Someone's trying to ignore their feelings... Ooohhh.

Me: Will you shut up? I'm not ignoring the feelings, I'm expressing it.

Envy/Jealousy: By being quiet? Watching some movies? Listening to songs? Bah! Bullshit!

Me: Worked on you before didn't it?

Envy/Jealousy: This time your jealous feelings are flowing so strongly inside you. I can feel it! You're jealous cause...

Me: Like I said, it's NOTHING NEW

Envy/Jealousy: Uh...

Me: Hail to the king, baby.

Ok, no I'm not going crazy. That's what me and Envy/Jealousy were talking like... Psychologically speaking of course...

Anyway, this is where I hang my hat for tonight. Later dudes and dudettes!

PS: I WON'T say what it was I was envious or jealous about. The only way you'll know is to get a mind-reading power like Professor X's and get into my head.


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