Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Ok, I'm not sure if a 'Whoa' could cut it. I'm thinking...

A 'Holy shit' could do pretty well too.

Anyway, I just logged on to this little website called blogspot and glanced over at my Tagboard and... Woooo-we, that's something all right.

Look over at my Tagboard and you'll see what I'm talking about. It looks like Siti's back and she's got more words to say to the already-'vanquished visitor' of mine that seemed to have gotten cold feet about a day ago. LOL

Ok... Wow, she's got tons to say bout Haters. I think I might need to take down some of her words, I could use them for future uses against people I REALLY hate. Hahas ^^

Ow... And there goes the threat against the 'visitor'. Can she really track him down and hurt him/her? Well, if she can, grab that video camera and call me up! That vid's going up on YouTube!

Well, you did it again, Siti. You showed that 'visitor' the PROPER way outta people's blogs and...

Excuse me while I go get my connection problem sorted out...

Ok, and I'm back.

So yeah, like I said, Siti did it again and proved her awesome way of getting the Haters out of the blog although if I were that 'visitor' guy/girl. I'd worry about Siti tracking him/her down via that... Thing she promised to do with the computer and all. You don't mess with an IT student, they have the powers to disassemble and reassemble your laptop/computer/other lectronic items with thier mind power.

I really gotta lay off the comics sometimes...

Anyway, now that Siti had her share of bashing at the 'visitor'. Perhaps I should take my turn now.

To you, my psychotic-possiby overweight-mentally challenged-cow humping transvestite of a visitor:

Why do you do this?

Why do you go go around on people's blogs posting up rude comments about them?

Have you ever asked yourself that?

That is the question.

I have a few theories of my own on why you would want to do this. Is it because you were abandoned at childbirth because your parents knew they were bringing up a future psychotic Hater? Are you the result of a one night stand? Did Daddy not give you any attention? Was Mummy a sadist?

And most importantly, did your boyfriend/girlfriend dump you?

And since you are no longer visitng my blog, I do not expect an answer at all.

You say I am immature? You put up hate comments on people's tagboards. I calm myself if I have beef with the person.

You insult. I rationalize.

Now, I'm not being the immature one anymore now am I?

No answer. I'm not surprised, Siti did a good job shutting you up. Better then what I would have done anyway. I am a loser? Incorrect, my paranoid nutjob, YOU are.

Your comp will explode? Well, I wouldn't disagree on that. I most certainly hope that you were caught in the blast, had your face horribly burned off with your skin unable to grow back. Thus, damaging your self-confidence for the rest of your life.

Welcome to the real world, Hater. Welcome to MY world...

Boy, now I really gotta stop on those 'Punisher' comics a while.


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