Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 3

Welcome to my third "You know what's bullshit" post. A satirical gripe on the unbelievable mind-blowing, completely uncessary, parts of life.

Oh, and to be clear, This "You know what's bullshit" idea didn't come from me. Go to YouTube and type out the title and you'll see what I'm talking about. I'm just doing my own version.


You know what's bullshit?

Leftover food.

Think about it, leftover food are a waste of space. They fill up the spaces in the fridge unecessarily when the spaces itself could be filled with newly bought ingredients and other stuff like that. Sometimes I open up my fridge and I find about 5 to 6 cartons of leftover food, some of them even extending to about 3 days for fuck's sake!

What's worse is eating them. Imagine, you just brought home this large take-out barbecued chicken one night. It's tasty, yeah, but you just can't bring yourself to finish it so you pack it in one of those food cartons and leave it in the fridge.

The next day, you open up the fridge and take out the chicken and heat it right up in the microwave. But when you eat it, it doesn't have the same taste it did last night, some of the parts are as hard as ice and the other half is hot as hell, that's bullshit!

What really makes my stomach churn is to having to EAT them. Some leftover food still have that original taste even though it's been left overnight and heated up again. But most of them wanna make you puke up all over it and make you take a second glance over at it and ask if what you're eating really is what you're eating and not some diarrhoea-dump from a buffalo.

So take out all your leftover food, toss them into the garbage dispenser, feed them to some stray cats or donate them to the Bum's Society. Just don't leave them in your fridge, hogging all the space, cause that's BULLSHIT

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