Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dear Dad,

I remember how it was like those days. Do you remember? You were Batman and I was Robin. Even though we went through some rough times back then, you always managed to make me safe whenever you're around.

But of course, those days are over now isn't it?

What I'm trying to say is, that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't be YOU. Why can't you understand that? I'm not perfect, you know it, I know it, so why do you keep pushing sometimes? I'm not you, I never can or will be. I'm my own person, no one can change that, not even you.

I forged my own path in life, yes. But I'll stay true to it, true to your vision. You once spoke to me about goals and Destiny in life, I'm making my own goals and destiny now, do you even know that?

I know sometimes our conflicts get a lot heated then back in those days. Our ways of life clash every now and then, and everytime it wounds me to the very core until I can't utter a word to anyone. Yes, I've carved a path between my way of life and yours, I've tried so hard just to see you smile broadly at me. I've done everything to make you proud, is that not enough?

You taught me how to stand on my own two feet. There were others that taught me, my friends, Mum, Grandpa, Grandma but YOU, you were the one teacher that I'll never forget. Now I am, I'm on my own two feet, I'm ready to face whatever comes by and yet you don't think I'm ready, i understand. I'm not ready as well, but I WANT to ready myself, not by anyone else.

Could you possibly be missing those days when it was easy? Back when I used to run around with a care in the world and you sat there watching me approvingly, never hesitating to correct me if I ever did wrong. I'm ready to take flight but I'm reluctant, can't you understand that?

"It's cause you care about me" that's what Mum said. I've heard that before and every now and then, the small gestures make me believe it. But you have to understand that I'm not that little kid who ran around in his diapers with a chocolate ice-cream cone anymore. I'm 19 and I can make my own decisions. It's nt gonna be easy and I know you'll be there with me throughout the whole way. All I'm asking is a little space for myself. You're suffocating my mind with your plans for me, I make my own plans now.

Despite everything, despite our clashes in the past, despite what you said. I KNOW you love me, and I you.

With all my heart, Dad, I love you.


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