Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ah! Come on right in.

So I headed out with Feroz today to Peninsula to get his shirt for his performance tomorrow, got his stuff, went up to KFC and ate a little late lunch. Boy oh boy, it's been a while since these good ol' teeth sunk deep right into some Kentucky fun down deep, hombre. Way to long.

Now, I don't know if any of you ever felt the way I do bout house phones. If you recall back in my Archives this year or so, I spoke up strongly on how the house phones always seem to ring at the most unappropriate of times. Let's take it to the next level, suppose you're at home alone with some KFC take-out. It's a nice day and and you've got your game console and a couple of the Colonel's finest wings WHEN SUDDENLY THE FUCKING PHONE RINGS.

Why? Why do people ALWAYS call at the most inappropriate times? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO RELAX DOWN HERE?! HUH?!

And here's the most fucked up part of all sometimes, you manage to get off your couch and stumble your way to the damn phone, you pick it up and say 'Hello' and no one fucking answers! That just hung up cause maybe it's the wrong number or it's a crank call!

Why do we carry around our cellphones for? For us to get our personal calls! What's the point of lugging it around when everyone keeps calling the damn house phone? CALL THE FREAKIN' CELL!

But then again, there's the monthly bill. It's always an asshole.

If we do get bills in the future, I'm gonna have one word to say: BULLSHIT.

Ever wonder why we pay bills? Where does the money all go? Let's say your monthly bills about 40 or 50 bucks. Your mum/dad pays em' and where do they all go really? WHERE IN THE NAME OF ALL THINGS SACRED DOES OUR PARENTS HARD-EARNED MONEY GO?!

Imagine! What you could buy with 50 bucks or more a month. Your parents or you could buy something worthwhile, like a prepaid card, treating your girlfriend to a fancy restaurant, getting some band t-shirts and stuff like that. Goverments are corrupted, we're all born to be slaves, my man. Peace.

Anyway, it's the end of another weekend. The weekends go by so fast now... Goes to show how we really appreciate our free time, don't it :-\

Eyes wide open, Mercs! More will up soon!

Aideu, mother******!


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