Saturday, August 29, 2009

And... I'm back.

So it's been ANOTHER long week at school. I'm not talking long as in 'Ugh, I've got tons of homework' kinda week. It's more like a...

Yeah, you guys get the idea.

Anyway, I was passing in the Punggol MRT station on Friday, on my way to the bus station to wait for the bus back home when I saw this, I'm not kidding now, I'm dead friggin' serious, a guy in his mid-twenties, average looking brother nothing special, carrying two large-ass shopping bags for his girlfriend who looks like she belongs in some Geisha community with all that make-up.

Can you guys imagine a Geisha Training Club down here on this island? We'll have women in freaky white make-up walking the streets all day, freaking out their husbands and shit like that. Ahaha...

So they were talking just a few feet away from me and I could see in the guy's posture and his forced smile that those bags he was carrying were putting a strain on him. Either he's stupid enough to know that if he keeps that up his gonna wake up the next morning a pretzel or he wants to impress his Geisha girlfriend.

Some women are like that, you see em' everyday, every minute, every hour. It don't matter if you're at home, in the mall or Church/Mosque/Temple. Every damn corner, there's bound to be a overly spoilt woman.

You know where in one of those TV shows where the husband and wife are arguing and there's a moment when the wife gives the husband a look and the husband shuts up and carries on eating. That's some funny stuff, everyone. LOL

See, Men can walk on moons, fire off guns, sing amazing songs, be legends themselves and start nuclear war with each other but we're all pretty damned zombies to our women, right?

Now, I'm not poking fun, it's the truth. It don't matter how tough we are or how much school prizes we win. We love our women and we give way. All except when it comes to watching TV or getting some 'me' time that is...

See, some women just loves to be our mother, father, accountant and pastor. They want to know who you with, where you've beena and where you're gone.


*Imitates snobby voice*

"Who's over there?"

"Where've you been?"

"Sit down here"

"Don't park the car there!"

"Slow down!"

"Light red!"


"Taste this!"

Jesus, how DO we deal with it?? LOL. If you guys know, give me a holler.

Night, fellow Mercs!


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