Sunday, September 6, 2009

Welcome to the special Sunday Night edition of--

Ah, screw it, I'm not gonna do the whole 'reporter' routine here tonight. I'mma give it you to plain and simple.


Well, I won't be THAT harsh to the whorehou--I mean school. It IS the last week before the 3 week holiday which is next week if I'm not wrong. And I don't know what I'm gonna be doing during the holidays, the guys have Hari Raya to look forward too and all. Which leaves me at home with my laptop, the 360 and the DVD's. And I'm not kidding here, I would have played all the games and watched all those movies in 2 days!

Yeah, you heard me mother******, 2 FREAKIN' DAYS.

Man, I said it once and I'll say it again, I need some goddamned adventure. Jesus Christ, I wanna swing through a ravine on a bullship, I wanna walk through the woods of some uncharted place, be in a shootout, fist-fight, discover some ancient artifact and just wander through Pyramaids and Aztec temples.

Ok, maybe that's a little unrealistic.

I'm sick of being holed up at home like some mook while others run free down there. See, when I grow up I'mma go on a cruise and I'mma bring as much of you guys along, see. That's not unrealistic. It's FACT.

And now, my boring life post ends here for the weekend. Maybe, just maybe, I'll find some excitement during the week.

Oh yeah, parents? fuck it, they just don't understand.

Later Fellow Mercs!


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