Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Yeah, ok I know I've neglected this little thing called a blog for quite some time ok? I just fed it and gave it some water, so cool it home-boy.

Anyway, you guys recognize the picture above? That particular comic strip is titled "Calvin and Hobbes". I LOVED those strips when I was a kid and I still do, I keep them still too ^^

So the reason behind this little hiatus is due to the lack of stuff happening in my life right now. There's no hardcore, heart-pounding stuff at all so I don't even bother writing in every now and then so yeah.

Term's ending in exactly... 4 weeks or so? Yeah, it's the last term and then it's the December holidays/my birthday/Christmas. MAN, can't wait for it at all.

Notice my infamous sense of humor is nowhere at all? This is what happens when you don't have any fun for almost a month. Parents, take note. Unless you want your kid to be sitting in a cubicle like YOU do, taking orders from the boss and paying taxes to the corrupted goverment.

SHIT, it is a short post ain't it? I'll come back tomorrow and update more. But with words this time aite?

Night, fellow Mercs!


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