Sunday, October 4, 2009

YEEEAAHHH brothas and sistas, here I am. Didn't I tell ya all I'll be back? See, that's your goddamned problem, you all don't listen see.

Anyway, I wanna try out a little experiment of mine. NO, I didn't find a cure for racism, nothing like that. And DON'T give me that smirk, I'm warning you man, don't start.

So this little experiment is practically this. A few months back at ITE, my classmate asked me this during break-time. He was just sitting down there eating when he looked up and asked with a bemused expression.

"Luis, why DO you keep using the word mother******?"

So I laughed, see. And I told him. "Hilmi," His name is Hilmi. "Everybody and anybody can use the word. See, the word mother****** is a noun. It describes the person, place and thing."

Man, enough with the laughing. It's TRUE.

Seriously if you caught me on a bad day, you'll hear those words accompanied by a clearly pronounced english word every once in a while. Not for the faint of hearts, I warn ya.

So here's my little test. For 2 weeks, read it clearly. 2 WEEKS. I will try my best not to use THAT word. In fact, I won't say any swear words at all for 2 long weeks. And that's a promise.

And I'm serious bout this! I really am! I see this as a sort of cleansing ritual for my foul mouth, see. So! If I'm feeling stressed out or anything I won't use any curse words at all, no sir, I won't. I'll just fill them in with the words, 'darn', 'Doggone it' or 'Screw'.

Yes, my fellow men and women. I have absolute faith that I can push myself to the limit. I can do this! I can STOP swearing. See, swearing is like smoking. The more you do it, the more you'll get addicted or used to it.

And-- Hang on, phone's ringing.

Me: Hello?

Male voice: Hi, can I speak to Anna please?

Me: *Getting suspicious* Who is this again?

Male voice: Oh, it's me Aaron. You should know me right? Anna talks bout you all the time!

Me: *Terminator-like voice* She's not in, she's asleep at the moment.

Male voice: *Cheery* Oh! It's ok then I'll just call her back tomorrow. Good night!

Wow... Ok, I know I'm a little hard on the guy but... But, oh my God... I'm really sorry but WHAT THE HELL??!!!

You call ma house in the middle of the night asking for my SISTER, who is friggin' asleep! Just who the **** are you, home-boy? Oh I know YOU all right, you're my sister's ******* boyfriend! I'm not gonna say a damn thing to her BUT you lay one ******* hand on my sister and you *****-boy, you better LAY the **** off her. If I hear one complaint, your ass is MINE. You hear me you motherless, cow-humping, snot-licking, sewer-water drinking WALNUT!


Oh man...

I'll start laying off the swear words tomorrow...

Night fellow Mercs!


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