Thursday, April 30, 2009

The tagboard's being as asshole. I'm really beginning to hate that screwed up piece of dog-turd. All I want to see are my goddamned comments on the tagboard damn it!

It's a short post, I hope that the tagboarrd will be back later or something. Stupid piece of crap on an ice-cream stick.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Ok, I'm not sure if a 'Whoa' could cut it. I'm thinking...

A 'Holy shit' could do pretty well too.

Anyway, I just logged on to this little website called blogspot and glanced over at my Tagboard and... Woooo-we, that's something all right.

Look over at my Tagboard and you'll see what I'm talking about. It looks like Siti's back and she's got more words to say to the already-'vanquished visitor' of mine that seemed to have gotten cold feet about a day ago. LOL

Ok... Wow, she's got tons to say bout Haters. I think I might need to take down some of her words, I could use them for future uses against people I REALLY hate. Hahas ^^

Ow... And there goes the threat against the 'visitor'. Can she really track him down and hurt him/her? Well, if she can, grab that video camera and call me up! That vid's going up on YouTube!

Well, you did it again, Siti. You showed that 'visitor' the PROPER way outta people's blogs and...

Excuse me while I go get my connection problem sorted out...

Ok, and I'm back.

So yeah, like I said, Siti did it again and proved her awesome way of getting the Haters out of the blog although if I were that 'visitor' guy/girl. I'd worry about Siti tracking him/her down via that... Thing she promised to do with the computer and all. You don't mess with an IT student, they have the powers to disassemble and reassemble your laptop/computer/other lectronic items with thier mind power.

I really gotta lay off the comics sometimes...

Anyway, now that Siti had her share of bashing at the 'visitor'. Perhaps I should take my turn now.

To you, my psychotic-possiby overweight-mentally challenged-cow humping transvestite of a visitor:

Why do you do this?

Why do you go go around on people's blogs posting up rude comments about them?

Have you ever asked yourself that?

That is the question.

I have a few theories of my own on why you would want to do this. Is it because you were abandoned at childbirth because your parents knew they were bringing up a future psychotic Hater? Are you the result of a one night stand? Did Daddy not give you any attention? Was Mummy a sadist?

And most importantly, did your boyfriend/girlfriend dump you?

And since you are no longer visitng my blog, I do not expect an answer at all.

You say I am immature? You put up hate comments on people's tagboards. I calm myself if I have beef with the person.

You insult. I rationalize.

Now, I'm not being the immature one anymore now am I?

No answer. I'm not surprised, Siti did a good job shutting you up. Better then what I would have done anyway. I am a loser? Incorrect, my paranoid nutjob, YOU are.

Your comp will explode? Well, I wouldn't disagree on that. I most certainly hope that you were caught in the blast, had your face horribly burned off with your skin unable to grow back. Thus, damaging your self-confidence for the rest of your life.

Welcome to the real world, Hater. Welcome to MY world...

Boy, now I really gotta stop on those 'Punisher' comics a while.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 4

You know what's bullshit?

The automatic-flushing toilets at Tampines Mall.

If you never been to Tampines Mall (You need to get out more) or only visited there once or twice, you guys should know what I'm talking about. What's wrong with those toilets? Their assholes!

If you guys don't know what I'm talking about, those toilets at Tampines Mall somehow has some automatic flush system. So you think "Ok, cool. That doesn't sound to bad."

Well it is, imagine, you going into a toilet to do your business with Nature. You sit down on the toilet seat and before you can even do anything, the toilet flushes by itself! What's so wrong about that? The f***in' water splashes your behind every single damn time it flushes!

Some people might have gotten used to it by now. But can you imagine what might be going on through the mind of others as THEY sat down in the cubicle? Imagine THEM having thier asses sprayed with cold water before doing their damned business. That's bullshit!

You know, I actually have a lot to say about this topic. But I can't as the stuff I wish to say are either to disgusting or just plain weird. So what you're seeing me type out is just a so-called censored version, yeah right... Pfft...

So what you gotta do when you really need to use those toilets? Go to the cubicle, pull down your pants, take your dump, pull it up, forget bout wiping your behind with all those papers and just let those toilets flush by themselves. Cause automated toilets that flush every 5 freakin' seconds? That's BULLSHIT.


Monday, April 27, 2009


Ok, where do I start, Holy shit...

Now, probably most of the people I know personally know the fact that I'm pretty vengeful or veangeful, however the hell you wanna spell it. And I don't take kindly to haters at all. Oh, I'll banter with them word for word, you can count on me on that one.

Now, if you look at my tagboard. One of Aini's friends (If you guys don't know who she is by now. Back track a few entries.) Siti Nana, I'm not sure if I myself spelled it out right, I think I did.

Anyway, what she typed out to the so-called 'visitor' has made me come to this conclusion. If I have to summarize what she typed out to the freak of a visitor in a sentence. It would be this:


Holy shit, I never expected to see THAT on my tagboard at all! Goddamn that was awesome! Man, oh man... Can anyone give me a long DAMN???

To Siti Nana or Siti: You're awesome, I really couldn't have done it better myself. Honest to God, I swear. As far as I'm concerned, you're A-OK in my book, oh and you're linked already :)

To the 'visitor': Yes, she does have a point. Why not put your name up, you lousy pile of horse-turd? As far as I know, what she said Siti said to you? You just got OWNED, BITCH.

Next up is a entry of "You know what's bullshit"!!!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Oh man, I feel like shit...

I have absolutely no idea what to do tomorrow, to tell you the truth. I've already worn out my list of movies to watch over video and I think I'm gonna get all nostalgia already on certain things... Sheesh.

And in a few hours, right now in fact, is a Sunday. And Sundays are the worse, really. Knowing the fact that in a few hours is the last day of the weekend really makes me wanna groan like hell.

What can you do on a Sunday? Nothing really, knowing that the fact that tomorrow's a f***ing school day and that you're early nights are already at an end after two days. To some people, I don't know, must be those overly cheerful ones who haven't experienced the dark side of life, think that Sunday is a GREAT day for having fun.

Right, I'm sure you'll wanna go to bed early cause of classes the next day! *School boy's voice-over* Golly gee! School, I'm so excited I wanna scream my lungs out! HOORAY! Another long week of teachers bossing us around with impossible tasks and amazingly boring lectures! WOOO!!!

Yeah right...

It's gonna be just another day in the life of Luis Lim, Half Filipino, Half Chinese... Will something exciting or other-worldly happen in my life just once? Jeez...

This is where I take off though... In 5,4,3,2 and...


PS: I understand that you've been frustrated lately cause of work and we can't talk much as we did last time. I understand that then and I understand it now, I'm just glad that we can manage a small conversation even though you're stressed out with your work at times, I'm sorry though that I annoy you sometimes and believe me when I say that I'll try not to anymore :-)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ok, it's a fast one...

Remember yesterday when I said to leave a comment on whether I was to 'immature' to let Envy/Jealousy take over me? And um... Thank you, Mr/Miss/Mrs. I-can't-pronounce-your-name-right-cause-you-probably-failed-English-in-school-psychopath. Thanks for your brutal and honest opinion.

Seriously, who the hell is this guy/girl? Sheesh...

If you're a spammer, you can take your spamming and GTFO. It means get the F**k out for those who don't really understad what GTFO means. You all probably do by now.

Anyway, today was boring, nearly half the class ditched class and for some reason, i contemplated on it. Who doesn't contemplate on ditching class once anyway? Unless you're a nerd or some goody-two shoes.

Are you?

After class ended, I headed down to Feroz's place to slack off with Nashrah and Hannah for a little while. Ah, memories of High School are flooding back happily. Goddamn it, I miss those days when everything was easier...

Oh and I ran into Miss. Tan, my former Science Teacher back at Siglap. That sure raised the nostalgia metre.

And I get to head out to my rooftop this evening before dinner. Everything looked so amazing from up there, I got to watch the sunset on the roof for the first time ever. Man... I wished they would keep the door to the rooftop unlocked almost everyday...

Well this is where I hang my hat. I'd continue on with the entry but I made a promise to sleep early tonight. Later dudes and dudettes!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Now, there are some things I REALLY wanna get off my chest here.

I don't know if I can right here on a BLOG. But... No, no. I'd rather release all my thoughts to someone or even better to no one in particular.

You know what I really need? A big dumbass bully, I don't care if he's got brains or not. To beat the hell out of.

Tell me something, and I don't care if you answer or not. If you do, give me a honest answer. I'm dead fucking serious, see, I didn't censor out the 'F' word. That's how serious I am.

So just tell me a goddamned honest answer if you have one.

Am I not being matured enough? Is that why Envy/Jealousy attack me so?

When someone has the answer to that, leave it on my Tag board.

There's something else I wanna say though. But I'm not gonna say it on this post, and God KNOWS how much I wanna type it out right here and now but I won't. I'll wait till tomorrow to post it up.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I had a great afternoon. It hit one of my 'Memorable memories' list and I'm gonna remember this afternoon for a very long time. I'm serious...

As for the thing I wished to type out but didn't? I HAVE a LOT to say bout that topic so don't get to cocky now, topic.

That goddamned drawer won't open to let me get my charger for my IPOD. God's hating me nowadays.

Later dudes and dudettes,


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ladies and Gentleman, what are the seven Deadly sins?

Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Pride, Greed and Envy.

You've probably heard of them if you guys take Literature classes or do some deep insight research on certain stuff like me. According to some monks, these seven deadly sins are meant to be dark evil thoughts of the Devil.

Actually one of those seven sins actually paid me a visit in the evening, did you know?

Yeah, Envy.

And I gotta tell you, trying to fight Envy is NOT easy. It just doesn't come once in a while for everyone. It comes almost everyday if you don't conquer it... AT ALL.

Everyone has their on way of dealing with it? Me? I'd rather have Envy/Jealousy materialize into a person so I can show him/her how I 'welcome' jealous/envious thoughts into my life.

I KNOW I'm not the only one who has gotten these feelings. So here are a few things you can do to forget bout the envy or fight it:

1. Put on any song with a good loud head-banging beat and destructive lyrics. Relax and let your mind be one with that particular song.

2. Got a violent action packed movie? Pop that f***er right in the DVD player, imagine yourself as the protagonist and scream, and I mean SCREAM your lungs out whenever the hero does something mind-blowing.

3. Go to some sports store and hope they have a punching bag you can hang from the ceiling. Get a pair of boxing gloves and just pound away at the bag imagining it as your point of frustration.

Ok, so that's three. If you guys have a better way of dealing with envy/jealousy, do it. And let me in on your secret as well.

Anyway, back to my so-called battle with Envy/Jealousy. Jesus, I thought listening to my songs was gonna get rid of it. NO. I even watched my Rambo trilogy, Die Hard trilogy, The Punisher, Batman: The Dark Knight, the Bourne trilogy, everything! Every single violent bloody action-packed movie I had failed to get rid of the Envy/Jealousy.

So I decided to go on with the rest of the evening. After dinner, I went off to watch another movie, V For Vendetta. You guys might have heard of it, I never went to see it in the theatres, I only watched it through DVD which was a pity.

And that's when that little shit Envy/Jealousy popped up again.

Envy/Jealousy: Someone's trying to ignore their feelings... Ooohhh.

Me: Will you shut up? I'm not ignoring the feelings, I'm expressing it.

Envy/Jealousy: By being quiet? Watching some movies? Listening to songs? Bah! Bullshit!

Me: Worked on you before didn't it?

Envy/Jealousy: This time your jealous feelings are flowing so strongly inside you. I can feel it! You're jealous cause...

Me: Like I said, it's NOTHING NEW

Envy/Jealousy: Uh...

Me: Hail to the king, baby.

Ok, no I'm not going crazy. That's what me and Envy/Jealousy were talking like... Psychologically speaking of course...

Anyway, this is where I hang my hat for tonight. Later dudes and dudettes!

PS: I WON'T say what it was I was envious or jealous about. The only way you'll know is to get a mind-reading power like Professor X's and get into my head.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Wow, 1:53am. Ok...

I'm actually supposed to be in bed cause I got class tomorrow. But for some reason, I just can't sleep. God, I feel like such a sissy saying that, goddamn it.

So here I am, 1:56am in the morning typing out this post. I planned to post it up earlier and all but my fingers were to darn lazy to even make a move.

Today was quite revealing actually. I didn't fall asleep in that old guy's class, that's one and other stuff that happened during the day like me eating spinach with a loaf of bread.

Spinach on a loaf of bread. How 'Failtacular'.

Oh and by the way...

'I stand on this piece of land called the world.
The end is nigh and it made me curl
In the darkest hour,
most fear and cower
The light's burning brightly
she has come to take me
ever so lightly.
And when kingdom comes
All will be said and done.'

I know, most of you think it's gibberish. Yeah, it's not my best I know...

I feel so worn out and yet I'm not sleepy. Screw it, I'm just gonna go ponder in one corner. Later dudes and dudettes.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 4

You want it. You got it. The 'bullshit' is back.

Ok, before I start ranting. Let me remind you all that this is completely satirical. Don't know the meaning of the word, look it up.


You know what's bullshit?


How many times have you ever been held up in traffic in a week? Some of you might not have your driver's license but I'm sure most of you guys got held up with your parents in your Dad's car. And think about it, why are all those people in the cars agead honking their horns? It's cause some asshole holding up the traffic way up front!

And sometimes when the jam is over, the cars start MOVING on slowly again. It's like some aftermath of some apocalyptic event and the cars engines are just starting up. This is what happens when traffic starts, it's bullshit!

Some students gotta go to school and some adults need to head to work. But how in the hell can they do that if some jerk-wad's up way front doing God knows what inside his car! What did his car radio suddenly got busted? Did his balls got caught in the engine? WHAT?!

So, here's what to do. The next time you and your parents get caught in a jam. Get the f*** outta your car, run all the way forward, find some flashy nice sports car or a motorcycle, throw the driver out and take his car and drive off. Cause traffic's BULLSHIT

PS: I know it's not one of my best but hey, it's 12:42...


Friday, April 17, 2009

LOL. what can I say? I love those 'Fail' images I find over the Net. Even better, I love watching those video compilations on YouTube. I swear to God, they crack me up so hard I think my insides are about to come bursting through my stomach every time I see a good one.

Anyway, I fell asleep again in class and let me tell you, it was a break from all those lessons, yes. The sad thing is, even the teacher from my module can make watching funny videos look boring and make me fall asleep!!!

Son of a bitch! He did it again, he made me fall asleep when we were actually doing something interesting. Good God, if he does this one more time, I'mma head back to Siglap and spent another 4 years there!

Speaking of that, I haven't posted up another 'You Know What's Bullshit' entry for a while. I'm starting to miss my own satirical rantings about the unnecessary things in life though. I'll get on it tomorrow...

Anyway, this entry is about someone who I've somehow grown closer to in just a matter of days...

We met in the most unusual of places.
Ok, not SO unusual. You could even call it common.
I swear, it's like we're somehow telekinetically connected or something.
She can read my mind and I can read hers.
It makes me smile everytime that happens.
About her...
I said this about lots of other girls in the past and I'mma say it again
She's really something...
She's so patient, nice and so easy to get along with.
She laughs at my jokes even though I know their lame.
She's the type of girl that's hard to find these days
with all those 'bad-girls' or Minahs going around
So yeah, I could say I'm a lucky guy.
Now, most of you know I'm not a dashing or a surfer dude type of guy
My buds would know that I'm more of the couch potato, family and friend-caring type
Hell, some would even call me the comic-book relief guy.
The comic-book relief guy is the one who always gets himself in unexpected situations. And always gets away with it, never failing to get a laugh out of those who know him.
But she doesn't care.
She just likes talking to me and appreciating who I am.
And I'm glad for that, very.
I told her me being shy is unique.
She told me being brave to tell her what I wanted to tell her would make me more unique.
I smiled and told her what I wanted to tell her.
No voice, no glory, I guess...


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oh God, what time is it?

Oh, ok...

I really don't feel like heading to class tomorrow. I seriously don't, tomorrow's a LONG day and I've had enough on my plate as it is, damn it.

Actually this was supposed to be a 'You know what's Bullshit' post but considering the time...


So yeah, it's a short post and everything. But hey, what would you do if you're in my situation?


That's what I thought.

Later dudes and dudettes, will update tomorrow...


Monday, April 13, 2009

Take a seat class, and that means YOU, Billy.

Well, I really gotta say. I really miss my late nights a LOT.

But now with classes restarting, I'm reduced to the usual 12:30/1 am time period. Which means I'm gonna have lesser time to do the things I do at night, like posting this up for instance.

And you're probably wondering, "Why not do it when you come home in the afternoon?" Afternoons? Well, yeah, if I finished at 1 then it's cool. But on most days I usually end about 3 or 4, I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in past posts.

So yeah, today was ok. Everyone's cool with each other and all, and yeah, the goddamned Theory class still sucks ass with boredom as a side dish. Sheesh...

See my dry humor? That's what happens when you're rushing against time. You've got no time to think up of anything to say. I'll be sure to address THAT in a future post of "you know what's Bullshit"

Oh yeah, I had McDonalds for dinner. Seriously, why can't they open up a Carl's JR somewhere here? The new mall, Tampines 1 did it, why not here?

If you guys never heard of Carl's JR before. It's McDonalds and Burger King times 20. The burgers are huge and awesome, the side orders are amazing and make you wanna go back for seconds... If you can even finish your first helping...

Anyway, that's all for tonight. I'll be posting up again tomorrow...

I hope *scratches head*


Friday, April 10, 2009

Dudes and dudettes, what, I ask you can be more 'Failtacular' then the image above?

I swear to God, she's evil and took control of my actions throughout the game. Never in my life have I lost so badly in tic-tac-toe. I pleaded for mercy but did she give me any?


Hahx... That's Sya and me playing some tic-tac-toe to past the time about two days. She's a darned good player and a beast at Tic-Tac-Toe. BUT I did beat her at Reversi ^^...


Ok, maybe I didn't.

Anyway, I went down to Feroz's place today. We only talked awhile before he headed off to meet his girlfriend. I went back home, dusted off my portable DVD player and watched a couple movies to pass the time, man... How long has it been since I actually sat down and watched one of my DVD's?

More importantly... When was the last time I really sat down and WATCHED TV?

I feel guilty already...


Oh bugger off, I'mma go put my legs up on the table and watch "Rocky" till 3am.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 3

Welcome to my third "You know what's bullshit" post. A satirical gripe on the unbelievable mind-blowing, completely uncessary, parts of life.

Oh, and to be clear, This "You know what's bullshit" idea didn't come from me. Go to YouTube and type out the title and you'll see what I'm talking about. I'm just doing my own version.


You know what's bullshit?

Leftover food.

Think about it, leftover food are a waste of space. They fill up the spaces in the fridge unecessarily when the spaces itself could be filled with newly bought ingredients and other stuff like that. Sometimes I open up my fridge and I find about 5 to 6 cartons of leftover food, some of them even extending to about 3 days for fuck's sake!

What's worse is eating them. Imagine, you just brought home this large take-out barbecued chicken one night. It's tasty, yeah, but you just can't bring yourself to finish it so you pack it in one of those food cartons and leave it in the fridge.

The next day, you open up the fridge and take out the chicken and heat it right up in the microwave. But when you eat it, it doesn't have the same taste it did last night, some of the parts are as hard as ice and the other half is hot as hell, that's bullshit!

What really makes my stomach churn is to having to EAT them. Some leftover food still have that original taste even though it's been left overnight and heated up again. But most of them wanna make you puke up all over it and make you take a second glance over at it and ask if what you're eating really is what you're eating and not some diarrhoea-dump from a buffalo.

So take out all your leftover food, toss them into the garbage dispenser, feed them to some stray cats or donate them to the Bum's Society. Just don't leave them in your fridge, hogging all the space, cause that's BULLSHIT

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oh boy... Ok, let's start...

I've been sleeping late and when I'm the type of guy that usually sleeps at 2 or 2:30, my type of 'late' means something more extreme. Anyway, my eyes can carely keep themselves open no matter how much I try to fight. What a bitch tiredness can be sometimes. Honestly.

I wonder if I can actually get some coffee from outside without anyone noticing...


Anyway, I've got about... A week left before school reopens and I'mma tell you, I'm completely indifferent wheter it starts again or not. It'll be just like any other day except that I have class. Unlike Secondary School, I always had something to look forward the past 4 years. Such as giving Teng Chiew, the shortest kid in my class a swirlie with my buds...

Ok,, now I wasn't THAT mean...

And for those of you who don't know, a swirlie is when you stick a person's head in the toilet and flush... Twice.

Oh come on, I never gave HIM a swirlie even though I was tempted to a couple of times. I ain't a bully :D

Well, maybe sometimes... Nah, don't think so...

So what's the agenda for this week?

1. Get outta the house for some cool stuff

2. Get ready to meet up the guys and chicks for the reunion of 4T2 of Siglap secondary school. Get ready, Sentosa, cause that train that hit you? That was 4T2. Though I'm not sure if we're even doing it...

3. Slack off at home

4. Brood

5. Drink some tea with a good book on a rainy day.

6. Shuffle (Look, go along with it ok?)

7. Quality time with the 360

8. Make my self FAMOUS

9. Do some serious thinking.

10. Stand on the rooftop and stare out into the sunset...

That's the list all right. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna try to sneak out to the kitchen for a little snack. I wonder if there's anymore Apple Juice...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ok, and I'm back and no, it's not another entry of 'You know what's bullshit' tonight. Nah, that's tomorrow or sooner then you think.

Anyway, first off, I wanna thank Sya and Feezah for the encouragement boost they typed out on the tagboard. You guys can view what they said on the board just on the right hand corner.

So... Today, today...

Yeah, basically I stayed in as usual. I read some of my books, not textbooks, actual BOOKS. Like Lord Of The Rings and books like that, from 11:30 am to 4:30. Man, it's been a while since I actually sat down and read a book now that I think of it. When was the last time I actually did that anyway?



Primary 6?

*Crikets crick*

Never mind.

Anyway, after that long hours of actually reading. I managed to catch a couple movies over Word of advice, dudes and dudettes, if you're looking for some film that was shot in the 1990's or 80's, chances are you won't find much of them on that website, cause it's not really a fully loaded movie library if you know what I mean...

Cheap movie websites, they'll do that to you.

So I caught the Wolverine movie and... Well, I think I'm just gonna catch it when it hits theaters the 29th of this month as the one on isn't very good. And would you look at that... I'm still watching a movie...

Yeah, it's Gran Torino, starring the legendary Clint Eastwood. If you're interested in Hollywood stuff or simply love American movies, then you'll instantly recognize Clint Eastwood. Don't know him? Ask your parents, cause their bound to know who he is.

So the plot of the movie centers around a retired War Veteran. His wife just died, his family doesn't care much about him and he lives alone with just a faithful dog for company in the suburbs.

Things change when a Korean family move in next door to him. He rescues the son from a life of crime and...

Well, you'll have to catch the movie for yourself to find out the rest of the plot. All I can say is that I love the movie, I'll give it a 8/10 for Clint being a badass even in his prime.

Anyway, I gotta go and get some shut-eye. I've been sleeping late these past few days and when I say late, I mean LATE, goddamn it.



Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dear Dad,

I remember how it was like those days. Do you remember? You were Batman and I was Robin. Even though we went through some rough times back then, you always managed to make me safe whenever you're around.

But of course, those days are over now isn't it?

What I'm trying to say is, that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't be YOU. Why can't you understand that? I'm not perfect, you know it, I know it, so why do you keep pushing sometimes? I'm not you, I never can or will be. I'm my own person, no one can change that, not even you.

I forged my own path in life, yes. But I'll stay true to it, true to your vision. You once spoke to me about goals and Destiny in life, I'm making my own goals and destiny now, do you even know that?

I know sometimes our conflicts get a lot heated then back in those days. Our ways of life clash every now and then, and everytime it wounds me to the very core until I can't utter a word to anyone. Yes, I've carved a path between my way of life and yours, I've tried so hard just to see you smile broadly at me. I've done everything to make you proud, is that not enough?

You taught me how to stand on my own two feet. There were others that taught me, my friends, Mum, Grandpa, Grandma but YOU, you were the one teacher that I'll never forget. Now I am, I'm on my own two feet, I'm ready to face whatever comes by and yet you don't think I'm ready, i understand. I'm not ready as well, but I WANT to ready myself, not by anyone else.

Could you possibly be missing those days when it was easy? Back when I used to run around with a care in the world and you sat there watching me approvingly, never hesitating to correct me if I ever did wrong. I'm ready to take flight but I'm reluctant, can't you understand that?

"It's cause you care about me" that's what Mum said. I've heard that before and every now and then, the small gestures make me believe it. But you have to understand that I'm not that little kid who ran around in his diapers with a chocolate ice-cream cone anymore. I'm 19 and I can make my own decisions. It's nt gonna be easy and I know you'll be there with me throughout the whole way. All I'm asking is a little space for myself. You're suffocating my mind with your plans for me, I make my own plans now.

Despite everything, despite our clashes in the past, despite what you said. I KNOW you love me, and I you.

With all my heart, Dad, I love you.
