Friday, May 29, 2009

The End Begins

I REALLY wanna catch this, seriously. If you've watched all three Terminator movies like I have, you'd know how amazingly complex and awesome the storyline, characters and the movie itself really is. Most of it cause Governer Arnie himself played the T-800 terminator and made him one of the best bad-ass Anti-Hero in movie history.

And come to think of it, can you IMAGINE if THAT kind of stuff were to actually happen? Judgement Day, machines vs man, all that kind of stuff?


Yeah, thought so. *shibers*

Anyway, I'm gonna catch it on Sunday or something. Maybe.

And good luck to Sery (Kiddo) on her MT exam on Monday. Go get em' kiddo :D

Till tomorrow!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wow... WHAT a day...

I KNEW for a fact that most people won't turn up after the exam yesterday. So why in the F*** did I still go?!

Oh yeah, *fakes deep snobby teacher voice* Attendace is VERY important here in ITE, so do your absolute BEST to attend every single lesson even though you are sick or someone in your family passed away.

Hrummm... Pussies.

So I went home and Farid and Nazri came over to hang out and give the ol' 360 a go. Which game? Left 4 DEAD.

Now, if you don't know the game Left 4 Dead, you should probably go over to and have a look see. I'm not gonna spend the rest of the entry talking bout it, but if you guys haven't heard of it, you probably should anyway, it's one of the most-talked about video games so far this year.

Anyway, it's their first time playing the game and... Ok, Left 4 Dead is one of those games that need that requires teamwork at times and well...

Let's just say it got ugly a little too fast at times. No joke.

I have never laughed so hard in one single freakin' afternoon for as long as I know. Just seeing Farid get his ass handed to him by zombies in so many ways is too priceless. I wish I could have recorded the gameplay somehow but unfortunately, I don't have the right equipment :\

Tomorrow's the class reunion, wow... I really can't wait for it and I'm somehow getting the urge to skip class tomorrow. NOW TELL ME, ALMIGHTY GODS OF OLYMPUS, SHALL I OR SHALL I NOT?!


The Gods must be asleep...

Speaking of asleep, I think Sery fell asleep on me during our convo in MSN. Who's the old one now, huh kiddo???

Till tomorrow!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Damn, I miss bothering her... Haiz...

Caught her at a bad time twice in a week already. LOL... No worries, kiddo.

And for the record, she DOES have panda eyes LONG before this short convo. Ahahaha!

And now... For something different tonight...


War Journal Entry,
May 28th 2009,
12:05 PM

"The campus is a cesspool, I am sure of it now. More then I ever was in the beginning.
It's corridors are filled with filth and scum who speak like damned drunks in bars.
I have seen it's true face and it is not pretty.
Corruption is everywhere, every single corner, every single turn.
Turn the right corner in the campus and you might find a scandal, a heart broken or a simple foolhardy race for a cheap cigarrette.
Teachers are as broken down and dirty as others. Easier way to collect paychecks while the rats are in their cages.
Whores are everywhere, with their cheap clothes and their hair dyed.
Smoking underneath the radar, gambling, selling their bodies to the scum and filth.
Even the decent-looking girls are selling their bodies to the filthest of rats in their courses.
A girl who is mixed with Indonesian descent is now with a crotch-grabbing mucus of a human being. Girl had bright future ahead. Fool.
And yet, light still peaks out around the dark corners of the campus
A small yet shining light
It'll take more then that to clean up this cesspool.
If there are any decent people left, I do not know of much, only a handful.
And sometimes I think there aren't any decent ones left except for the ones I know.
But the most laughable pieces of scums are the Indians, who strut around.
Possibly homosexual, must remember to investigate."

How'd you all like my 'dark' journal entry? Haha.. I thought I'd do something different for the night though. Blame The Punisher and Rorschach from WATCHMEN, their the ones who inspired me to this particular piece. LOL.

Onward to the next!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen...

After a long hiatus of four days or more, I have returned to blog more about my boring old life which I tend to exaggerate on more then one level.


Sheesh, as if I wanna continue talking like THAT during the rest of this post!

Anyway, it's been a few days since I last posted up something and all. So here's a little vid to make it all up.

Before I post up this vid... You all know Hitler I'm sure.

Well, he wasn't all serious and shit like that and this vid proves why xD.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh praise the Lord...

Tomorrow's Friday.

*Kisses calender in an almost lustful manner*

And no, I'm not a freak. Stop looking at me like that, it's freaking me out.

Who DOESN'T love Fridays? The whole world loves it to death. We'd kill for everyday to BE a Friday, imagine that. All those guys who have white-collar jobs crack open beer bottles and glasses of champagne on Fridays, students go to parties, get wasted and high on Fridays. Kindergarderners sit down in front of the TV and watch Barney the purple gay Dinosaur--

Oh wait, they always do that.

If you hate Fridays, then there are 3 reasons why:

1. You're strange
2. You're a workaholic, not by fate, by CHOICE. NERD!!!
3. You're a freakin' killjoy

If you are one of those three above, preferably number 2. Do the world a favour and change your attitude. Or better yet, kill yourself. Slowly.

Anyway, I'm going back to Siglap to visit Mrs. Lye with Amirnur tomorrow. God, it's been a month or two since I last set foot in there. I miss that place, seriously... I wonder if I'll run into the 'kid' tomorrow... Hmm



Monday, May 18, 2009

*Looks up from book* Oh! Hello, didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to my own personal blog, where you hear me go on endless rants every now and then.

Ok, I'm not gonna act like that the whole way through. What I wanna do is to share with you this little name-thing I found over Aini's blog. It's laughable, really.

Name meaning according to your alphabets
A: You like to drink.
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : You are a damn good kisser.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and looks.
I : You are great in bed.
J : People adore you.
K : You're wild and crazy.
L: Everyone loves you.
M : You are great in bed.
N : You like to drink.
O : You are an awesome kisser.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : You are fucking crazy.
S : You are easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgmental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Best g/f b/f anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready.

Now, let's try it out!

L: Everyone loves you
U: You really like to chill
I: You are great in bed
S: You are easy to fall in love with
I: (See above)
T: You are loyal to those you love
O: You are an awesome kisser

E: You are a damn good kisser
S: (See above)
P: You are popular with all types of people
I: (See above)
N: You like to drink
O: (See above)

L: (See above)
I: (See above)
M: You are great in bed


Ok, so let me get this straight... Everyone loves, me, I like to chill out, I'm easy to fall in love with, I'm loyal, I kiss like a GOD, I'm popular with all the sterotypes around me, I like to get wasted and I'm an animal in bed...

Does that even sound a little too much for you guys?

All in all, it's hilarious and probably something to blog about when you're bored. Till tomorrow! Adieu!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dear pen-pal...

12:21 pm... Huh...

Ok, now I'm really gonna try to make this lengthy and all since my last two posts were about two hours after midnight and I probably sound like some middle-aged woman in her 40's on her first day having her monthly period.

*Dodges thrown TV*

Ok, maybe that was a little over the top, no?

Anyway, I'm not gonna waste any more time. Who here has a pen-pal? For those of you who don't know what a pen-pal is, you probably should anyway. It's someone who lives in another country and you guys talk over MSN or something all the time.

Ok then, show of hands here, who has a pen-pal???

*Glances around at audience*

Huh... Ok then.

Well, meet my pen-pal!

Her name's Ariane, I won't give away her last name and other stuff to respect her privacy and all. And if you think you can get it out of me, you're wrong.

Anyway, her name's Ariane, like I said above.
We've been talking for THREE YEARS, yeah, since 2007
Long friendship, no?
She lives in some part of New Zealand, I forgotten where though.
Anyway, I got to know her over a friend who played this online game
And apparently she plays it to.
Ok, I always thought it would look weird for a girl to play some guy game
But hey, it's a real BIG world out there
So we started talking
And sometimes she surprise me, really
She's bold, crazy and fun to talk to.
Trust me, she's 100% of all that
I have lots more to say but I'm not gonna say them just yet
PRIVACY, look up the word
And that photo up there is edited by me.
Friendship pic, guys, don't TELL me you guys never heard of one
So I'm gonna wrap this up with a song dedicated to her.
Thanks for for being there, Ari
This song's for you :)

Thunder - Boys Like Girls - Boys Like Girls
Ok, look before I...

Dude, am I reading this right?!

102 posts already? Wow shit... You know when I first created this blog I never really expected for the posts to hit the 101.


Old-picture posting time!!!

Sec 1 class photo. We were pimply kids then :D

Welcome to THE HOOD, bitch

We are NOT a gang! KEEP THAT IN MIND! Ahaha

Boys in the Hood

And that's about it for this particular post! I just love those pics, it brings back memories of the good ol' times where life was easier. And to tell you guys the truth, those pics above? Were taken during Sec 3 Final Year EXAMS.

Yeah, take that examinations. We take pictures not caring bout wheather we fail or not. In your face! Welcome to the streets, punk!

Anyway, I'm gonna introduce you guys to someoneone special to me in my eyes. She's someone I've been talking to for the past 3 years and I don't think you any of the guys know her cause she's a pen-pal of mine from New Zealand.

Till tomorrow!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

You know what's bullshit part 6

You know what's bullshit?

Those buses that stop by every 15 minutes or more at the bus stop.

Take the 518 bus for example, having to wait at least about 15 f*****g minutes for it to show up is an absolute pain in the anus. Espacially when you're in a hurry. I mean, why do buses going to the city takes so damn long? Do they take turns to take a dumb along the road? Yeah, that'll be something I'd like to have on YouTube.

Or is it because there's only one goddamned bus to the city? Ok, maybe not just one, two. I'm being real nice here, trust me!

Look at all the other buses, they all come every once in a while like 5 minutes to 8 minutes. But some buses take their own freakin' time to drive down the road being road hogs and purposely showing up at the most incovenient of times. That's bullshit!

And another thing that REALLY pisses me off is when the said bus is suppose to arrive at the timing indicated on the board and it doesn't even show up and you'll have to wait like another 10 to 15 f****** minutes for it to arrive but only this time it's accompanied by ANOTHER bus with the same number! What, were they racing to see who hogs the road the most or something? That's bullshit!

So here's what you do, if you plan to go to the city, take a train, plain and simple. But if you want a long journey, that's fine, that's fine. But grab your IPOD and blast the songs away cause that bus of yours isn't coming anytime soon. And that's bullshit.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Let's see...

11:28 pm.

Well, that's something. Usually my posts are at 1 plus or 2. Hmph...

Anyway, these past few days has been...

*Looks at audience*

Audience : MUNDANE!

And there you have it, mundane as f***.

So basically what I've been doing is going to Facebook and doing some quizzes here and there. If you guys have a Facebook, add me up there. E-mail's the same, it's fun and wayyyy better then Friendster. I mean, who uses Friendster still nowadays?

*Looks around for show of hands*

My point exactly.

So I've been listening to this song by The Fray called 'You Found Me'. It's basically, (From what I gathered from the lyrics) is about this guy who's had a pretty bummed out life so far, every night he prays to God to help him out until one day something so bad happens that he declared that it was a little too late for God to even help him out now.


Wow, that's deep, really...

Come to think of it, most of The Fray's songs are all sad and deep. Go search "How To Save a Life" another one of their songs and you'll see what I mean.

So that's it for tonight, I'm ending this cause I really need the beauty sleep for tomorrow before I get to class late again. Sheesh... Talk about dumb ITE teachers and strict timing.

Oh, coming up next is "You Know What's Bullshit"!!!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear Mum:

Thank you so much for putting up with me. It has been rough for you to put up with my dumb acts at times and most of the times when you arrive home from work you're all worked up cause you're doing your part in supproting the family along with Dad.

I never really said it out loud but here I am, typing it out on this thing called a 'blog'. I just wanna say that you're appreciated by me and Anna. Even though we don't show it, we love you mum, with every fibre in our being, we love you. This song is dedicated specially for you.

"When I was young me and my mama had beef
Seventeen years old kicked out on the streets
Though back at the time, I never thought I'd see her face
Ain't a woman alive that could take my mama's place
Suspended from school; and scared to go home, I was a fool
with the big boys, breakin all the rules
I shed tears with my baby sister
Over the years we was poorer than the other little kids
And even though we had different daddy's, the same drama
When things went wrong we'd blame mama
I reminice on the stress I caused, it was hell
Huggin on my mama from a jail cell
And who'd think in elementary?
Heeey! I see the penitentiary, one day
And runnin from the police, that's right
Mama catch me, put a whoopin to my backside
And even as a crack fiend, mama
You always was a black queen, mama
I finally understand
for a woman it ain't easy tryin to raise a man
You always was committed
A poor single mother on welfare, tell me how ya did it
There's no way I can pay you back
But the plan is to show you that I understand
You are appreciated

Now ain't nobody tell us it was fair
No love from my daddy cause the coward wasn't there
He passed away and I didn't cry, cause my anger
wouldn't let me feel for a stranger
They say I'm wrong and I'm heartless, but all along
I was lookin for a father he was gone
I hung around with the Thugs, and even though they sold drugs
They showed a young brother love
I moved out and started really hangin
I needed money of my own so I started slangin
I ain't guilty cause, even though I sell rocks
It feels good puttin money in your mailbox
I love payin rent when the rent's due
I hope ya got the diamond necklace that I sent to you
Cause when I was low you was there for me
And never left me alone because you cared for me
And I could see you comin home after work late
You're in the kitchen tryin to fix us a hot plate
Ya just workin with the scraps you was given
And mama made miracles every Thanksgivin
But now the road got rough, you're alone
You're tryin to raise two bad kids on your own
And there's no way I can pay you back
But my plan is to show you that I understand
You are appreciated

Pour out some liquor and I reminsce, cause through the drama
I can always depend on my mama
And when it seems that I'm hopeless
You say the words that can get me back in focus
When I was sick as a little kid
To keep me happy there's no limit to the things you did
And all my childhood memories
Are full of all the sweet things you did for me
And even though I act craaazy
I gotta thank the Lord that you made me
There are no words that can express how I feel
You never kept a secret, always stayed real
And I appreciate, how you raised me
And all the extra love that you gave me
I wish I could take the pain away
If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day
Everything will be alright if ya hold on
It's a struggle everyday, gotta roll on
And there's no way I can pay you back
But my plan is to show you that I understand
You are appreciated"

For those of you who are curious, the song is "Dear Mama" by Tupac Shakur, Rest in Peace, Mr. Shakur. Hip-Hop isn't the same without you...

Till tomorrow dudes and dudettes!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Boy, am I bushed out or what?

I really loathe these late days. I thought I would have gotten used to it but I'm not. Jesus, you wake up early in the morning and come back around 5 just to feel like some old man who's just been through World War III.

I'm not f***ing exaggerating. It's the freakin' truth.

Anyway, I decided. I'm not gonna go to school tomorrow, serious, honest to God. I think all those late nights are already catching up with me, I feel so freakin' wasted, seriously. I think a good day at home should do it. I just hope I'm not getting sick or anything around this time. Man, that will SUCK.

Now, on whether I should or should not head to school tomorrow, i'll decide after this post. That's all for tonight, cause I think I need to hit the bed NOW before I REALLY shorten my life span or something. Here I come, dreams. Wait for me.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

For some... Reason. I feel strangely light-headed... Ugh... I... Think... It's cause... I'm...

*Head slumps down and begins snoring.*

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Now, I know I wanted to post up something. I just can't remember what...

Oh yeah!

Happy Birthday, Teena. You crazy-rebellious girl, you. LOL...

Enjoy your last ywo years in Siglap and your prom night next year. I know it's a little early to start wishing, but hey, who am I to talk right?

I don't have a present for you though but I miss the few times we hung out together. Me, you, Mira and the guys. I think the one memory that will stay is that fake "Police officer" or "CID" or whatever, I think you know what I'm talking about. Ahaha...

I still think he was a fake though... Hmm...

Anyway, enjoy your day, may all your wishes come true and I'll see you around when I visit Siglap ;-)


You know what's bullshit part 5

You know what's bullshit?

Those sudden jerks after the bus or MRT brakes.

I mean I know there's suppose to be a little jerk whenever you pull a brake on your car or any other automated vehicles but those jerks after the bus/MRT brakes are really a pain in the assf***.

Le'ts picture a scene as usual. You're standing in the middle of the bus with your headphones on, there's a stop coming nearby and you brace yourself for the sudden jerk. But what you didn't expect was that you'll be sent flying around the damn bus like some like some invisible force was pushing you around like from the movie "The Exorcist", that's bullshit!

And sometimes the sudden jerks can be manageable and sometimes their just plain annoying. Some of the jerks will sent you forward slightly while others make you feel like you're being treated like some action figure being thrown around by some big-boned kid with an oversized greas-stained T-Shirt and short pants!

Think about it, why do people ALWAYS grab on so tightly to the handle bars? Cause the damn bus drivers can just slam down on the brakes and the sudden force will make them fly around the bus and they'll have to climb back up and go back to their orginal seats, bullshit!

So here's what to do: Send a letter to ALL bus drivers here in Singapore. Ask them to call for some bus mechanic if there's such a thing and change the freakin' brakes. Cause their BULLSHIT.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ok, now I know I should be counting those sheeps right about now. cause it's 1:43 AM and I got class tomorrow at 8:30 but really, who gives a flying pancake f*** anyways?!

I'm going rebel this month and that means, I'mma go to bed at anytime I want. For this one whole month, I'm the boss and what I say goes. Don't like it? Shoot yourself in the head, or better yet, the crotch.

Anyway, I hung out with Feroz today. Headed over to Peninsula to grab my Band Shirts and guess who we spotted there?

Nazri AKA Skater Dude...

Man, it's been a while since I last saw him. I'm not surprised or anything considering how I Linked him up down here on this thing called 'blog' and we kept in touch over it. Oh boy, Nostalgia's coming again... *sigh*

There's still that class reunion thing coming up though...

Anyway, after I grabbed my band shirts and all, Feroz had to leave to... Ah, you know, I know. Let's keep it that way, eh? LOL...

1:53 AM, boy am I racking up the rebel meter or what?

And for some odd reason, I just had this weird craving for Milo. Ever wonder why they called it Milo in the first place? It's Hot chocolate, yeah, Milo is actually hot chocolate. So why not use hot chocolate instead of coming up with a name for it? That's bullshit!

Speaking of bullshit, you ALL know what's coming up next...

Tomorrow, it's "You know what's bullshit"!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wow... How said is this? I've had the posting section right here in front of my face for about 4 hours and I just started typing out.

Anyway, I know I promised a long post. But I had a REALLY bad day today so I'm just going to keep it short, sorry. And sorry if I seem a little mad now cause I just am. Goddamn it, how would you feel if you can't help a friend in need even though you promised him/her you would?

Shitty, that's what you'll feel.

Look, I think I need to get an early night or something or get out and let loose whichever ways work first. Later... Oh and before I forget...

Where is the moment when needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue sky's fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carrying on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low.
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carrying on

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carrying on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day

(ooh, what a horrible day)

Sometimes the system goes on the blink and the whole thing it turns out
You might not make it back and you know that you could be well oh that
Well I'm not wrong

So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
you see what you like
and how does it feel one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

You had a bad day(x4)

Enjoy the lyrics...

Oh God, I'm fucked... How did I get myself into these types of situations?

Goddamn it, my heart's been on high alert since this morning. Think, goddamn it, think...

I gotta find a way somehow...

Friday, May 1, 2009

It's 2:32 AM and I'm sitting down on my grandma's desk with my laptop on and a glass of water in my hand. For some freakin' reason, my throat's feeling dried up. Shit on a stick...

Anyway, today about... 8 hours ago or so. I went over to Far East Plaza to watch Feroz perform, Aini and Siti tagged along. I was kinda hoping to introduce them to the guys, espacially Nashrah and Hannah. But since they took their own sweet time walking around Orchard and all, I'd say the meeting was to be due at another time.

After the performance, said goodbye to the guys and headed over to the Esplanade with Siti and Aini...

And boy, have I missed out a LOT or what?

The Esplanade is, in simple terms, AWESOME on a cosmic level. I always thought it was just some place to sit but slap my butt-cheeks and call me granddaddy, it's AMAZING.

Maybe it's cause it's night, I don't know but in short. It's f***in' amazing, I'll tell you that. I'm kinda hoping to head back there this Sunday though...

Aini and Siti were a crazy bunch. Crazy in a good way, now. Put down those machetes before you behead me, I said crazy in a good way. LOL...

And I KNOW I sound dead tired and I am. I'm just posting this entry, if I wasn't so tired, I'd have a lot to say. But now, my fingers are all lazy and I know I'm gonna wake up around 11 or so tomorrow which I hope not and all. And look it's 3:07 AM already and something tells me I should sleep, like NOW.

Anyway, I kinda hope to hang out with Siti and Aini again. And sorry for my bleary-eyed post tonight, I'll post up a much more detailed one tomorrow.

Nights dudes and dudettes...
