Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I'm back... For good this time, I swear!!

Well, its been a while hasn't it? Yeah, I know, with my birthday and Christmas just being TEN days apart from each other I have a reason not to blog.. Sucks huh? LOL...

Anyway, I got some pretty good haul this year. Three new games and that Assassin's Creed hood I saw at the store the other day. Hahas.. It's great really...

I musata been good this year or something cause I got these gifts, thank you Santa!! Well, not really since he doesn't EXIST now does he?

Monday, December 10, 2007

3 days...

Well, its only 72 hours away till I'm 17!!!

Wait, is it 72?

I don't know, I failed Math... LOL...

But I'm pretty sure its 72!!!!

Hahas.. Anyway, yeah, its only three days left to my birthday and I'm excited and somehow a little thoughtful...

I mean I'm gonna be 17!! 17! And as I look back, I think about how the years have just flown by like that... And soon I'll be graduating and going off to college!

Anyway, I'll drop off here...

Adios dudes!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hello, Mr. Blog..

Well, I'm back =)

What? No hugs? No celebration? No parade?!

Hahas.. Anyway, the reason why I haven't been blogging lately is cause I've benn feeling... Well, rather lazy I guess...

I mean, my sis uses the com till six in the evening and at that time, I'm in no mood to even go online on MSN or even blog... *Sigh*

But I guess I SHOULD be feeling a little happy... I mean my birthday is coming on the 14th and that means I'll be turning 17 this year.. Yup, just one more year till I'm legal.. LOL...

You guys should know what that means.. LOL..

Anyway, see that Friendship test below? You're welcome to try it out anytime.. Hahas.. And Aqilah? Talk to you soon kae? I kinda miss you.. LOL..

Great, now I feel old...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Friend quiz

Hey guys, got something a little new here today for you guys..

Create your own Friend Test here

Let me know how it goes...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I have been sent here to destroy you =)

Well everyone, I'm back, Yeah, I know I haven't really been updating this past few days but after the whole Drill Comp issue I really wanted to just take a break and stuff you know?

Anyway, I have Aqilah to thank for giving me the address of the website Watch-Movies.Net. Thanx gal, it's definetely much better then Movie6.Net =)

And anyway, I went to the Escape Theme Park the other day, it was like... My first time back there since I was 12.. Hahas.. Yeah, don't believe me? Check my records.

Not that I have one anyway...

Anyway, I went back there, took a couple of rides and there was this one guy on this train ride, (If you guys went there, you would know which ride I'm talking about) anyway, I was waiting with my friends for our turn and I look around and I saw this dude on the front seat of the ride with his f*cked up face.

Seriously guys, if you saw his face, you would be laughing as well which was what I did. Anyway, I got to stop here, I promise I'll be back with an update tomorrow kae?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Well... It ain't so bad... Maybe...


Ok, ok!!! So today wasn't SO bad... I guess...

I did get to have a good look at Hai Sing though, I've been there a few times but never really got a good look at it you know? And yeah, I didn't really see Aqilah there today, but it was because school's out and she won't be going back there much would she? And Aqilah, if you're reading this, good luck with your Religious Exam tomorrow kae? You rock =)

So yeah.. Today was, as I said, OK. I mean we've got third place in that Drill Comp thingie, which I TRIED so hard not to puke at when I marched out in front of the JUDGES!

So after the competition, I went back home, fell into a deeeepppp slumber and woke up to find the rest of my family off to the airport, so yeah, I was basically Home Alone =)

Man... Did I really just type out those words out in whole?

And by the way, being home alone rocks... Well, as long as no one can see you do what I'm doing up there!!! I know its not much but who wants to be caught 'camwhoring' as Aqilah puts it, in front of a Christmas tree?!

Oh yeah... Me...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Drill comp... Haizzzzz.....

I swear to God, I don't know how I got myself into this mess...

I don't know, I woke up today, went to NPCC cause I got a call asking me to return. So seeing as some people that I think deeply of were off somewhere doing something else, I thought it would at least shake me off my boredom.

Boy, was I wrong...

It just so happens that they need more people to be in a drill competition and I was selected.

I mean, what the hell dudes? I haven't been in this drill comp before man! What makes you think I'm up for it now?!

I mean, I'll go as a supporter but I can't perform goddamnit!

I don't know guys, I'll probably show up there and TRY not to puke... Haizz...

And its gonna be at Hai Sing Catholic School tomorrow... It's not a bad place, great... Everything I guess...

Well Hai Sing's Aqilah's school anyway... Maybe I'll wander off during the comp so they couldn't find me...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Feeling melancholy...

I don't know guys... I'm feeling a little quieter then usual today and I feel like listening to James Blunt... LOL.. You know the guy who sang 'You're Beautiful'?

Monday, November 12, 2007

The 80's...

Well.. I'm trying to cool down a little now... And I don't know.. Here's a song that I've listened to last night during the Karate Kid II credits. Yeah, I watched the Karate Kid II, the Karate Kid trilogy was one of the old movies I liked ok?

It might seem weird for me to post up an 80's song.. But hey, whatever man...

Tonight it's very clear
As we're both lying here
There's so many things I wanna say
I will always love you
I will never leave you alone

Sometimes I just forget, say things I might regret
It breaks my heart to see you crying
I don't wanna lose you
I could never make it alone

'Coz I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of
Gonna live forever knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love

You keep me standing tall
You'll help me through it all
I'm always strong when you're beside me
I have always needed you
I could never make it alone

'Coz I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of
Gonna live forever knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love

Just like a knight in shining armor
From a long time ago
Just in time I'll save the day
Take you to my castle far away

I am the man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of
Gonna live forever knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love(3x)

Well... Above are the lyrics... Yeah, I know its an old song, but I somehow find it... I don't know.. I find the lyrics awesome ok?

Pissed off man!!!

Ok.. I'm gonna control my temper here a bit to type this one out... Apparently, Friendster seems to be lagging a little bit and I can't sign out of my account. Yeah, it'll probably be all right tomorrow but I got to sign out of my account damn it!!!!

Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone has had the exact same experience before ain't that right? I don't know, maybe their running a maintenance thing but some time to run a maintanence while some guy is about to log off!!!!!

Sorry guys for my little anger throwing above there.. But it just sucks don't it?!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Thanks a billion...

Ok... First off, I wanna thank the following people for shaking me out of my funk. For the uninitiated in English, funk has been called lots of things mainly problems :)

Anyway, I'm not gonna go all English-nerdy here. So I'm gonna thank the following people for helping me shake off my problems... First, I wanna thank Aqilah, thanks for sticking by me through that time, you're one of those girls out there that I consider to be a best gal friend :)

And Secondly, I wanna thank my friend Huda for listening to my problem. Like Aqilah, I consider you one of my bestest gal friends :)

Ok, anyone noticing that I'm using the word gal alot?


Ok... Then thirdly, my main man... Rafiq Mariachi, thanks for your advice man. And thanks for that lengthly game of MSN Rock, Paper, Scissors game to take my mind off things...

So, thanks goes out to these three people who have stuck by me and encouraged me throughout the entire day!

Oh, and Rafiq? I'll get you next time on MSN Games...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I... Don't... Know...

I don't know guys... I woke up this morning feeling weird... Maybe its from yesterday or something... You see, I... Never mind, I can't tell you what happened...

I'm just to full of emotions right now... So, here are some lyrics that could probably tell you how I feel now...

All day staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something

Hold on
Feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown
And I don't know why

But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to

I'm talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
And I know, I know they've all been talking about me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinking
Somehow I've lost my mind

But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be

I've been talking in my sleep
Pretty soon they'll come to get me
Yeah, they're taking me away

But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be

Yeah, how I used to be
How I used to be
Well, I'm just a little unwell
How I used to be
How I used to be
I'm just a little unwell

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

6/11/07.... The most memorable day in 2007...

Today's probably the best day of my life in 2007... Now, I won't go into deep details of why... But today was definetely the best day of 2007 :)

I can't explain it... But I feel good... :)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Deep thoughts...


I've been doing some thinking today... Ya know, about next year... And how I'm gonna spend the last months with the people whom I consider as a second family...

I missed those days when we were all in Sec 1... We had nothing to worry about, we were free as birds. But now, next year... We will have to step out, make a place for ourselves in the world.

So maybe some of us will be going to the same college, but it won't have the same feel like before. And as I stare out the window, glancing down at the street below, I realized that will have to go our seperate ways soon...

Fate is a funny thing...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Watching The Tube...

Hey guys, as I'm typing this out right now, I'm also watching some wrestling (Yeah, I watch wrestling, its awesome ok?!)

Sigh... It gets boring down here day by day and its not even November yet. Well, tomorrow is but still man!!!

So.. To either Aqilah or Sery who's reading this... Any ideas on what to do?

Maybe I should entertain myself by making some home-made videos of myself doing some crazy funny shit like those guys on YouTube...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Well, There's two now... I guess...

Well, it seems that Aqilah's not the only one who's gonna be reading my blog now! I'm now trying hard to link up one of my friends from school though I have absolutely no idea how to!!

Right now, I'm fidgeting away with my mouse trying to link her up... But I think I might have already linked her up, I don't know, its hard to say...

Oh and by the way, Sery, if you're reading this... I'm not sure if I linked you up correctly!! LOL.. Sorry...

Now... How do I work this...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Can't Believe it...

It's over... Secondary 3...

The last day wasn't much... The same noisy class, but hey, at least I'll be in 4T2 next year right?

I'm gonna miss them all, the rowdiness and everything. No noise for two whole months... Damn.. I'm starting to miss them badly already.

Any ideas on what I should do now?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tired of this...

Well... Only two more days until my Sec 3 year ends... Sigh... Its been fun though...

Next year will be my N-Levels or O-Levels and I'm not likeing it. I never really spent much time having fun this year thanks to HER. But even after the June Holidays, I felt like I didn't spent much time with my friends :(

And now Sec 3 is nearly ending...

Why is it that we always wish that we could just take back the things we regret doing when it feels like time is running out?

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Well, here I am, alone in my room with the door closed and the air-conditioning switched on and I'm typing this out :)

Well, I'm alone at home AGAIN... Well, not so much as home alone more like alone in the room! Get it?


Well, considering I've made a complete idiot of myself with that horrible joke back there. I'm gonna stop the joking... For now that is ;)

Man, I can't wait to get back to school on Monday. Not that I love school that much, but I'd also get to see my buds and all.

The revealing of the guys who will stay in 4T2 next year will be announced on Monday though. But the thing is, I think Mr. Tan hinted that everyone will stay in 4T2 next year...

Weird... But cool!!!

Anyway I'm out of here to do some stuff, listen to music and some crap I do everytime I'm bored. So to make up for that bad joke I made earlier, here's an image of my friend Rafiq 'threatening' one of the school councillors who just so happens to be in my class :)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The New Look ;)

Well how'd you guys like my new look huh? ;)

The words now are in green and red! Christmas colours dudes!!! :)

And I'd like to extend an extreme thanks to Aqilah for helping me out with this! Thanks Aqilah you rock, you drama girl!!! Hahas...

And if you look down below, you can see a pic of me and my bestest friends! Its awesome huh? And since Aqilah is probably the only who reads my blog... Thanks again my homegirl, you... Damn, I almost said 'rock' again...

Anyway, I'm looking out my window and its POURING outside. I'm not complaining, its not like I have anything better to do today. Its cozy right here at home and its raining :)

Now if only I had a fireplace...

PS: Aqilah, you ROCK!!!!! Hahax... ;)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Yeah, I know!!!!

Well, tomorrow's the first day back to school after Hari Raya :) It's been a bore staying at home for the past three days, It'll feel great just seeing Farid, Suhairi, Rafiq and everyone else again.

I never got to wish every one of my Malay friends a Hari Raya but maybe I'll do it tomorrow... Haizzzzz.....

The year is ending so quickly ain't it?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's over...

It's over...

That was the first thought that entered my mind as I stared out at the so-called 'battlefield'. The exams were over at last...

I tossed my pen down and allowed myself a small smile as the others sighed with relief, some just stared out the windo and others slept soundly.

Its funny, when this all started two weeks ago, everyone was so quiet... Even earlier... We didn't even talk when the teacher was talking. We were just glad it was over...

As I type this out, I dedicate this song to those who have endured the examinations...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Second strike...

Thursday, 4th October 2007...

The greatest challenge of all during the course of this war: Maths. It had taken us in for its little yearly test today. I was never good at besting that monstrosity... I guess I was lucky when I somehow managed to outsmart it when I was in Primary Six.

Of course, I don't think the others did so well either...

After the test was over, me, Rafiq, Khai, Farid and Suhairi took a slow walk over to the number 15 bus-stop. It's been a hard one on us all, I could tell. Although we were joking around, I can see it in their eyes and I'm sure they can see the nervousness in my eyes too.

Then I look at Rafiq... He was always the joker, able to get along with everyone else, never really worried about anything. But when I saw the look in his eyes... The uneasiness... It makes me even more uneasy.

It's gonna be a long day...

Friday, September 28, 2007


28 SEPTEMBER 2007,

7:03 pm...

The basic Chinese Listening compre struck today. It was basically the most boring thing I have ever listened to. The other 'soldiers' were as down as I was. It lasted for at least two hours, switching between the Chinese and the Malays.

Then came the CME paper, if I thought the BCL was boring then this was HELL. Spelled out in capital letters. It wasn't hard but it WAS frustrating.

Who in the bluest of blue hell wants to know about the Parliament?

Unless you're a Parliament member of course...

The next battle is next Thursday. Let's see what they have in store for me...


Thursday, September 20, 2007

And so it begins...

Well, everyone, the exams are on the way for me... *Sigh* I don't know about you guys, but exams always gets me...




Oh no, not in that insane sort of way. But more of the angry sort, I mean, all exams do are cause tensions between families. Parents are trying to get the poor kids to get the top grades, I mean come on! GIVE THE KIDS A BREAK! THEY HAVE A LOT TO WORRY ABOUT THEN YOUR PITIFUL VISION OF THEIR FUTURE!

Its bad enough with the exams pressuring the kids, but the parents pressuring thier kids to get the top grades? That's overkill. That's Tyranny...

And now with the exams around the corner, I plan to win just this particular so-called 'war' with exams. Consider this now an entry of my War Journal with the exams...

I'll keep ya guys posted!


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Read the title of this post people! THE KING OF ENGLISH IS BACK!!!

Yeah, after a long (And I mean long!) hiatus, I am finally back! Seriously, man, I've been so busy that I had forgotten to update this thing!

Well, I could have updated it yesterday but somehow I forgotten the damn passowrd and username which I miraculously recovered moments ago!!! So yeah...

Anyway, the exams are around the freakin' corner already and I have yet to revise and yet I'm blogging! SO TAKE THAT EXAMS! WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT, TEACHERS?! COME TO MY HOUSE AND FORCE ME TO STUDY NOW?!

But yeah, I probably should get started on that revison :(

So until next time, and next time won't be to long!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Class Pics!!!

Well, my co-form showed us four samples of the class pictures. And comparing these to the last two years, this year was oddly hard-faced if ya know what I mean!

So, I chose the Informal and the Candid pics. $6 bucks for them though, and boy oh boy, were those $6 bucks worth it!

I'll probably post them up when I get them, so keep an eye out for it!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

First up!!!

Well, all introductions up first!!!

Name's Luis Espino Lim, I'm 17 at the end of the year, I like all kinds of music, preferably punk rock cause I kinda relate to the lyrics :)

This is my first post and it was inspired by a friend of mine that I'm talking to online right now. Thanks for giving me the idea Aqilah!!! You rock!!!

I go to Siglap Secondary and I'm part of one of the greatest classes in Siglap... 3T2 ;)

I like dark clothing... And before you get any funny ideas, I AM NOT EMO :)

Ok, so I do have a little bit of it in me like my friends say. But I am not an Emo!

Well, I have to go now. It's 11:25 and I have post up ma thing for the night.
