Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hello, Mr. Blog..

Well, I'm back =)

What? No hugs? No celebration? No parade?!

Hahas.. Anyway, the reason why I haven't been blogging lately is cause I've benn feeling... Well, rather lazy I guess...

I mean, my sis uses the com till six in the evening and at that time, I'm in no mood to even go online on MSN or even blog... *Sigh*

But I guess I SHOULD be feeling a little happy... I mean my birthday is coming on the 14th and that means I'll be turning 17 this year.. Yup, just one more year till I'm legal.. LOL...

You guys should know what that means.. LOL..

Anyway, see that Friendship test below? You're welcome to try it out anytime.. Hahas.. And Aqilah? Talk to you soon kae? I kinda miss you.. LOL..

Great, now I feel old...

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