Friday, November 16, 2007

Well... It ain't so bad... Maybe...


Ok, ok!!! So today wasn't SO bad... I guess...

I did get to have a good look at Hai Sing though, I've been there a few times but never really got a good look at it you know? And yeah, I didn't really see Aqilah there today, but it was because school's out and she won't be going back there much would she? And Aqilah, if you're reading this, good luck with your Religious Exam tomorrow kae? You rock =)

So yeah.. Today was, as I said, OK. I mean we've got third place in that Drill Comp thingie, which I TRIED so hard not to puke at when I marched out in front of the JUDGES!

So after the competition, I went back home, fell into a deeeepppp slumber and woke up to find the rest of my family off to the airport, so yeah, I was basically Home Alone =)

Man... Did I really just type out those words out in whole?

And by the way, being home alone rocks... Well, as long as no one can see you do what I'm doing up there!!! I know its not much but who wants to be caught 'camwhoring' as Aqilah puts it, in front of a Christmas tree?!

Oh yeah... Me...

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