Thursday, November 15, 2007

Drill comp... Haizzzzz.....

I swear to God, I don't know how I got myself into this mess...

I don't know, I woke up today, went to NPCC cause I got a call asking me to return. So seeing as some people that I think deeply of were off somewhere doing something else, I thought it would at least shake me off my boredom.

Boy, was I wrong...

It just so happens that they need more people to be in a drill competition and I was selected.

I mean, what the hell dudes? I haven't been in this drill comp before man! What makes you think I'm up for it now?!

I mean, I'll go as a supporter but I can't perform goddamnit!

I don't know guys, I'll probably show up there and TRY not to puke... Haizz...

And its gonna be at Hai Sing Catholic School tomorrow... It's not a bad place, great... Everything I guess...

Well Hai Sing's Aqilah's school anyway... Maybe I'll wander off during the comp so they couldn't find me...

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