Sunday, December 21, 2008

You better not shout, you better not cry...

Hey guys, it's nearly two days till Christmas Eve. And I'm psyched out for it, yeah, an 18-year-old beinh hyped up for Christmas like some little kid with a lollipop stuck in his little midget mouth. But hey, come on!!!

And to commemorate on the nearing Spirit of Christmas, I'm gonna list down 18 things that I wish for this Christmas! A special shout-out of thanks to Feezah, for this idea ;-)

1. TWO new XBOX 360 games (I KNOW for a fact that mMY present underneath the tree are indeed two new games! I felt it, Mum! You can't hide it from me!)

2. Denim Jacket (I mean seriously, dudes and dudettes, I'm sick of looking at every single teen in Singapore and noticing that all they wear are shorts, caps and a shirt!!! I mean, what happened to the jeans, shoes, jackets and shirts!!!)

3. World Peace (DON'T ask why...)

4. Polo shirts (Ok, I won't be explaining why... Look at my pic on Friendster and you'll know why)

5. Rocky Movie Set (Slyvester Stallone's a legend, a pure freakin' legend. And Rocky's my favourtie underdog and an inspiration to ALL.)

6. A video camera (I need it... Seriously)

7. Being able to stay out to whatever time I want! (Guys, I'm 18... Shouldn't I at least be able to go out anytime and come back at anytime without question?)

8. To never lose contact with my friends (I never want to... Too many memories)

9. Deodarant (I run alot... ALOT)

10. A guitar! (I really wanna learn how to play it though)

11. A good course in ITE

12. A vest

13. A tux!

14. A top hat (You know,... Those top hats... no?)

15. A book sounds good

16. A comic book???

17. A longer extension cord for my laptop (Seriously, have you SEEN my cord? It can't even stretch that far and I'm always freaked when the battery is hanging in MID-AIR!!!)

18. Another great year ahead filled with laughs, love, no arguements, no problems and total happinees.

Happy freakin' Holidays everyone!!!


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