Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A thousand apologies and a prayer at stake...


I kinda deleted the last post cause it kinda revealed a little too much... And it's VERY possible that a certain someone might see it...

No, I'm not here today to joke, make fun, romance, jeer or even mop around. I'm here to apologize... Even though I knoow this apologies might not work at all, It has to be done.

So here goes:

I know you harbour no feelings of care and concern for me at this moment. I don't blame you though... I was stupid and blind at that time, drunk with happiness and so full of myself.

It was wrong for me to drag your cousin into this. I shouldn't have included anyone else in this, I like you, yes, but that didn't give me any reason to ask any of your family members for help at that time.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna hide. It hurt like hell when you said that your trust for me had been demolished not by you yourself, but by me only. My mind went into a state of shock then,

I spent nearly 3 months earning your friendship and trust and with one single move, destroyed it without even knowing it.

You're an amazing person, you really are... I still can't believe what you said to me the day after the incident. The words are buried deep within and even if I could erase it, a mark will be left permanantley.

Those words pop up in my head nearly every single time I think of you. Oh God, why???

I don't care if you choose me as a BF or something. Right now, I just want your trust and friendship back, nothing else...

I always thought that you were gonna be one of the friends of mine that could last a long time and I just had to keep pushing and pushing. I've learnt my lesson though... I really did.

I remember the day when we first talked on the bus... I wish I could go back to that moment and relive everything that happened before and after that moment.

So after all I said and after everything that happened in the past few days. I just wanna know this:


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