Thursday, January 8, 2009

Well, what can I say?

The past two days at ITE were pretty much of a somewhat new experience to me, as I don't know most of the guys, but hey, how many times did we have to go through the SAME experience over and OVER???

First there was Kindergarden, then the ever-dreaded Primary School, the life-changing Secondary life and now the uncertainity that is ITE/College.

Which makes it a 4 if you count the number of times we have to experience what I call "The Making-Friends-Over-Again" scheme.

And yeah, I'm really gonna start hating my Wednesdays and Thursdays now. I swear to every single demi-God or powerful being in the entire Multiverse that they specifically made us go home late on Wednesdays and Thursdays to delibrately piss me off.

Except Fridays, Fridays from no onwards is the day when the Heavens open up and the Angels sing cause I end at 11:15 am.

Now, let's talk about the teachers, shall we now?

Ah, Teachers, we can never get tired of them, no matter how old and young they are. BUT, when it's a sunny Wednesday/Thursday afternoon and it's 2:30pm and the teacher is talking, all we can hear is:


I mean, do we honestly have to sit through that load of bullshit AGAIN? I've heard it the first time, do I really have to hear it again?!

The only other letdown to being in an ITE that's so super-f**ker-rificly far (pardon the 'F' word) from my home is that every time I come back, I feel LOUSY.

I can't even have the strentgh to talk to my friends, I can't move my legs so I'm almost paralyzed, my mind feels like a blur and I SMELL!!!

Argh... I REALLY HOPE this appeal works...

Now, excuse me while I pass out from this peaceful atmosphere.

*Slumps on desk and goes to bed*


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