Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gong-xi-freakin'-fa-chai everybody!

Yeah, pass those oranges around and leave those red packets full of cold hard earned cash on people's doorsteps, bull out those barbequed pork and sit down on your couch with a hot cup of tea :D


Ok, maybe that's not what you guys did, but...

Ah, you know. Goddamn it. -.-

Anyway, from today onwards I'll be talking bout different things instead of talking bout my everyday life. I'll be reviewing movies, recent and old, video games and even random stuff like...

I don't know, I'll think of something aite? Stop looking at me like that.

Today however, will be a movie review. Which movie you ask? Look at the poster above.

That's right, today or if you prefer tonight, I'll be reviewing Punisher: War Zone

REVIEW: All right, now if you're a big Marvel/DC comic book fan as I am or have watch the Punisher movie from 2004, you'll have gone on YouTube to look for the trailer several months earlier like I did.

As some of you may have noticed. Usually there are fake 'real' trailers going on, so comic book fans like me had to wait till the real trailer was released. The wait for the trailer was almost the everyday topic of every Punisher fan out there.

It wasn't until one fine day, I was going through YouTube and the vid popped up of nowhere and like any other fan of Marvel, I clicked it immediately. And I got to say, the hype of how the trailer would be like was damn well worth it.

Fans loved it, they loved the violence, blood and gore that was revealed in the trailer. There was no other word to describe the hype among fans other then 'Awesome'

For those of you who don't know the origin of the Punisher, I'll lay it out for you. Frank Castle was a Vietnam war veteran who has settled down with his wife ans have two kids, then one day by chance or fate, his family witnessed a mob execution while having a picnic in the park. Wounded but alive, Frank took a vow to avenge his family... And to punish those who hurt the innocent.

In this film, instead of taking off where the 2004 version. It's another remake, this time Frank Castle's in his 4th year as the Punisher and he's been taking down one mob family after another. Now, he has his sights set on an up and coming mobster: Billy Russoti, whom fans know was Jigsaw, the longest running enemy the Punisher ever had.

After a brief shoot-out at the docks, Russoti ends up in a gridning machine and it destroys his face. In the meantime, Castle finds out that one of the men he gunned down in the docks was actually a undercover cop, an innocent.

Basically, the film focuses on the Punisher, his battle with Jigsaw and the fact that he shot an innocent man and him trying to get over it... While blowing up a couple of heads along the way.

It was an ok way to go along with the film. Ray Stevenson really gave us a Punisher worth waiting 4 long years for, heck, I even hope that he will star in the sequel to this one!

My only gripe is that there could have been more action scenes and a longer running time. All in all, it's a good movie with a decent storyline, an awesome main character and amazing character developments.

4 out of 5 Punisher skulls!

Happy CNY everyone!


Dude, where's my red packets?!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hey, what's up, what's happening?

Yeah, pass those high-fives an handshakes around, guys...

Anyway, these past few days has past by with a couple of smalls and thoughtful thinking actually. I planned to update yesterday before my sis switched off the main power, therefore denying me any Internet access.

Yeah, I know, it's the typical little sister routine, just roll with it.

ITE is going ok, I guess. I've made a couple of new friends and we seemed to share the same insight of some certain stuff which pleased me to no end... Hahas...

Anyway, guys, I gotta wrap this up before I take off for a night full of video games and music, so here's today's song!



Dude, did I just put up a JONAS BROTHERS song on a post?!


That's it, I'm off...


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Well, what can I say?

The past two days at ITE were pretty much of a somewhat new experience to me, as I don't know most of the guys, but hey, how many times did we have to go through the SAME experience over and OVER???

First there was Kindergarden, then the ever-dreaded Primary School, the life-changing Secondary life and now the uncertainity that is ITE/College.

Which makes it a 4 if you count the number of times we have to experience what I call "The Making-Friends-Over-Again" scheme.

And yeah, I'm really gonna start hating my Wednesdays and Thursdays now. I swear to every single demi-God or powerful being in the entire Multiverse that they specifically made us go home late on Wednesdays and Thursdays to delibrately piss me off.

Except Fridays, Fridays from no onwards is the day when the Heavens open up and the Angels sing cause I end at 11:15 am.

Now, let's talk about the teachers, shall we now?

Ah, Teachers, we can never get tired of them, no matter how old and young they are. BUT, when it's a sunny Wednesday/Thursday afternoon and it's 2:30pm and the teacher is talking, all we can hear is:


I mean, do we honestly have to sit through that load of bullshit AGAIN? I've heard it the first time, do I really have to hear it again?!

The only other letdown to being in an ITE that's so super-f**ker-rificly far (pardon the 'F' word) from my home is that every time I come back, I feel LOUSY.

I can't even have the strentgh to talk to my friends, I can't move my legs so I'm almost paralyzed, my mind feels like a blur and I SMELL!!!

Argh... I REALLY HOPE this appeal works...

Now, excuse me while I pass out from this peaceful atmosphere.

*Slumps on desk and goes to bed*


Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm REALLY getting tired of this...

Today, I woke up at 6am to take a freakin' bath and wait for Amirnur at the bus-stop so we could go to Balestier ITE.

Let's talk about Balestier ITE shall we now?

Now, I'm sure it's a nice place, in fact it is, the food is good, the facilities are OK but two problems...

YES, TWO problems:

1. I'm not really interested in the course I got, so therefore, I'm making an appeal this Wednesday.

2. IT'S SO F**KIN' FAR!!

Jesus, I have to wake up at 6 freakin' AM to mosey my way to the interchange, take the ass-packed train to Kallang then wait for the friggin' bus all for some course I don't really give a flying dog-crap about?!

I mean, I finished up about 12 today and by the time I got back home, I was beat. YES, I was f**kin' tired, tired as a friggin' slave with a bag of dumbbells on his back.

God, I hope this appeal works, I just wanna get to Simei ITE and get a course at Office Skills, I rather sit behind the computer and type things out in rapid timing then have to learn how to fix F**KIN' CARS!!!

How in the seven names of Hell below, did I end up in the Automotives course? I am a computer/music type of guy, I'm not a freakin' mechanic! I wanna make beats, I wanna type out stuff and I wanna be feeling fresh when I walk through the gates, not feeling tired everytime I walk through them!

Anyway, sorry for the use of swear words and all today. I'm just really mad, honest to God...

Pray that the appeal works ok? Sorry again for the use of swear words today...


Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello, my name is Luis Lim, I remember it so you don't have too!


Ok, fine, I'll drop the Nostalgia Critic act already.

Anyway, my deepest apologies go out to Feezah now. Sorry if I kinda bothered you a little online just now, it was kinda bogus of me since you just got back and all... Sorry senorita...

Anyway, went to ITE Balestier to apply BUT I just heard from a friend of mine that I can appeal for another course and ANOTHER campus! YEEEEEEHAAAAWWW!!! Yippie-Kay-Yay!!!

Anyway, check out the song I'mma post up below. Listen to the lyrics...

Seriously guys, I listen to any type of music, I actually listen to the lyrics, which makes me so different from those who listen to the music without understanding the LYRICS!

Anyway, check out the song below... It's kinda like an apology song but yeah, you get the idea...

Sorry 2004 / Ruben Studdard - Ruben Studdard

