Saturday, August 29, 2009

And... I'm back.

So it's been ANOTHER long week at school. I'm not talking long as in 'Ugh, I've got tons of homework' kinda week. It's more like a...

Yeah, you guys get the idea.

Anyway, I was passing in the Punggol MRT station on Friday, on my way to the bus station to wait for the bus back home when I saw this, I'm not kidding now, I'm dead friggin' serious, a guy in his mid-twenties, average looking brother nothing special, carrying two large-ass shopping bags for his girlfriend who looks like she belongs in some Geisha community with all that make-up.

Can you guys imagine a Geisha Training Club down here on this island? We'll have women in freaky white make-up walking the streets all day, freaking out their husbands and shit like that. Ahaha...

So they were talking just a few feet away from me and I could see in the guy's posture and his forced smile that those bags he was carrying were putting a strain on him. Either he's stupid enough to know that if he keeps that up his gonna wake up the next morning a pretzel or he wants to impress his Geisha girlfriend.

Some women are like that, you see em' everyday, every minute, every hour. It don't matter if you're at home, in the mall or Church/Mosque/Temple. Every damn corner, there's bound to be a overly spoilt woman.

You know where in one of those TV shows where the husband and wife are arguing and there's a moment when the wife gives the husband a look and the husband shuts up and carries on eating. That's some funny stuff, everyone. LOL

See, Men can walk on moons, fire off guns, sing amazing songs, be legends themselves and start nuclear war with each other but we're all pretty damned zombies to our women, right?

Now, I'm not poking fun, it's the truth. It don't matter how tough we are or how much school prizes we win. We love our women and we give way. All except when it comes to watching TV or getting some 'me' time that is...

See, some women just loves to be our mother, father, accountant and pastor. They want to know who you with, where you've beena and where you're gone.


*Imitates snobby voice*

"Who's over there?"

"Where've you been?"

"Sit down here"

"Don't park the car there!"

"Slow down!"

"Light red!"


"Taste this!"

Jesus, how DO we deal with it?? LOL. If you guys know, give me a holler.

Night, fellow Mercs!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Hey everyone, I'm back and I'm really kinda worn out now. I don't know if it's me or my that goddamned little bottle of orange juice which had them little jelly slices floating around, that I drank earlier. I'm sure my sis actually spiked em' before I got them outta the fridge.

Stupid punk-ass little demon.

It might be the lack of sleep? Cause I've been waking up early these past couple of days trying to get to class on time. But am I early? Well sorta, 30 mins late is sorta... Ah, screw it.

This sucks big time, I'm updating only once a week instead of everyday cause of some damned course I don't even like but have no choice but to do it? Bad luck wanna mess with me? I'll retaliate by SKIPPING class ya dumb sons of bitches. Them dumb-ass mechanical engineering teachers strutting around all day in the workshop complaining bout poor attendace and late-coming. I come everyday you old piece of dog droppings. Which explains why I'm so fuckin' BROKE nowadays.

Yeah, you heard me right. I swear, I was a whole lot richer when I was in Siglap. 15 dollars can actually last me 3 FREAKIN' weeks, I'm not kidding, it actually did.

And the EZ-link cards running out within the week. What a shitload of fuck.

Get this: I just added bout 20 bucks to the damn thing last week and when I tapped out when I was getting home from Church the stupid thing read 9 dollars. 9 SHITTIN' DOLLARS, what happened?

Look, it's the year 2009. Why do we need these EZ-Link cards as a form of a fare? All we really need them for is some sort of a second ID or something, not a wallet for fare money. If by 2010 next year, we don't stop using EZ-link cards as our form of bus/MRT fare, then that's bullshit.

Ok, I think I went on just bout enough for tonight. Check back in tomorrow or something and hopefully I'll have a longer brighter sounding post.

Night, fellow Mercs!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

So I just got back from a almost week-long hiatus. Ya know how hard it is to think up of funny stuff to type out everytime I come on here? Screw blog posts talking bout love and everyday life. If you're looking for something new and complex, you've come to the right place.


I think you all knew that a long time ago. Phooey.

Anyway, today was Grandpop's birthday and I REALLY gotta hand it to him. 78 years old and he's still as fit as a damn horse. Happy birthday, you roach-stompin' badass Grandpa :)

Ok, ok, sit back down, punk-asses. Enough bout my life, there's something that's REALLY been bothering me these past couple of days. Now, we're all grown here right? We're all grown?

You better be, assholes. I'm not gonna get some fatass mum or dad breathing down my neck asking me why I post up entires with my special uses of vulgarities. I'm a guy hitting 19, get over it ya oversized overaged dumb pieces of shit.

Anyway, ever noticed that when you're Secondary/High School, you're the first thought on your parents mind. But when you graduate you're that homeless idiot walking around the house?

So one day my mum came to my room and started talking bout responsibilities and all that other bla-bla-bla bullshit. Then she says she trusts me now that I'm all--

Wait, hold up.

So she trusts me but she doesn't TRUSTS me enough to stay out till whenever I want.


Right after I catch up on some sleep. Fuckin' distance from my house to school left me feeling all drugged up and sleepy when I wake up, wish there was some sort of drink that will let me snap outta my sleep or something. It's the year 2009 and we don't even have stuff like that? Shit-Ass

Oh my God... What the fuck's da time?

Crap it, I got breakfast with da family tomorrow guys. So I'm just gonna end it off down here. So yeah, check back in tomorrow night and I'll probably have a longer post up and running.

Later, Fellow Mercs!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Hey everyone, NO, this is not a post. Not really anyway, get off the damn couch. Punk-ass son of my bitch.

Anyway, I'm gonna be on hiatus for a short period of time and hopefully I'll be back on Monday with some new posts. So if you do WANT to keep coming back to my blog for whatever reason and expect a new post, you can always read through the archives. But be warned, some of them previous entries from the last 2 years are as EMO as HELL.

So yeah, if you wanna be kept updated just look out for me on Facebook or MSN. I'm always around.

Take care fellow Mercs!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ah! Come on right in.

So I headed out with Feroz today to Peninsula to get his shirt for his performance tomorrow, got his stuff, went up to KFC and ate a little late lunch. Boy oh boy, it's been a while since these good ol' teeth sunk deep right into some Kentucky fun down deep, hombre. Way to long.

Now, I don't know if any of you ever felt the way I do bout house phones. If you recall back in my Archives this year or so, I spoke up strongly on how the house phones always seem to ring at the most unappropriate of times. Let's take it to the next level, suppose you're at home alone with some KFC take-out. It's a nice day and and you've got your game console and a couple of the Colonel's finest wings WHEN SUDDENLY THE FUCKING PHONE RINGS.

Why? Why do people ALWAYS call at the most inappropriate times? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO RELAX DOWN HERE?! HUH?!

And here's the most fucked up part of all sometimes, you manage to get off your couch and stumble your way to the damn phone, you pick it up and say 'Hello' and no one fucking answers! That just hung up cause maybe it's the wrong number or it's a crank call!

Why do we carry around our cellphones for? For us to get our personal calls! What's the point of lugging it around when everyone keeps calling the damn house phone? CALL THE FREAKIN' CELL!

But then again, there's the monthly bill. It's always an asshole.

If we do get bills in the future, I'm gonna have one word to say: BULLSHIT.

Ever wonder why we pay bills? Where does the money all go? Let's say your monthly bills about 40 or 50 bucks. Your mum/dad pays em' and where do they all go really? WHERE IN THE NAME OF ALL THINGS SACRED DOES OUR PARENTS HARD-EARNED MONEY GO?!

Imagine! What you could buy with 50 bucks or more a month. Your parents or you could buy something worthwhile, like a prepaid card, treating your girlfriend to a fancy restaurant, getting some band t-shirts and stuff like that. Goverments are corrupted, we're all born to be slaves, my man. Peace.

Anyway, it's the end of another weekend. The weekends go by so fast now... Goes to show how we really appreciate our free time, don't it :-\

Eyes wide open, Mercs! More will up soon!

Aideu, mother******!
