Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yeah, when I said that the second post was coming soon, my timing is impeccable, is it not?

Why am I updating several minutes after I just posted up my last post? Simply put, I'm bored. Yeah, that's right, I'm in my room, door closed and I'm bored.

So what am I gonna talk about?

Oh, i don't know, how bout the first half of my day today?

Woke up at 10, did my usual morning necessities before switching on my laptop. Toyed around with Friendster, Tagged and Facebook. Yeah, three social networking profiles for me, that's the limit, don't ask me to join something else like or some other crap.

So, talked to a couple of dudes/dudettes over MSN before I discovered that they were busy even on a Sunday, but hey, who am I to talk? Sooner or later, it'll happen and when it does, you're gonna start wishing a lot that you've spent more time relaxing cause we're nearly at the edge where we are about to be adults. We're in our teens, but for how long?

So anyway, I'mma end this rant now. I got a song to share actually. I'm a big Avenged Sevenfold fan, and this song really touched me, it makes me reminisce and all, did I even spell reminisce right?


Here's the song and for the love of God, listen to the lyrics before you judge!

Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold

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