Saturday, February 14, 2009

Well, Valentine's Day has come and gone again. A special shout-out goes to all couples, stay strong and last long cause you're gonna wake up one day and all those memories will start flowing back, trust me.

Anyway, I had a plan yesterday, not those romantic plans as I myself don't have anyone to spend it with. Nope, I had a plan to surprise Feezah at McDonalds where she works.

Sounds simple, don't it?

Well, hear me out and see how this simple plan turned out!

Around 4 yesterday, I suddenly felt ill and had to lie in bed till the evening. Around the same time I was feeling better, Feroz called and asked me to go over to Hannah's birthday barbecue at Changi Beach. And being the good sport that I was, I mozzied my way down to his place and we headed to Changi Beach.

We reached there, photos were taken, ate the measly amounts of cake before I had a tought as I was staring at open sea in the darkness...

"I'm out, why don't I fulfill my surprise to Feezah?"

So the simple surprise/plan was back in motion. I slacked around there for a little while more before we headed back to Tampines Mall, Feroz headed his own way and I made my way to McDonalds where Feezah worked.

So I had it all played out in my mind, I opened up the doors and...


If Mcdonalds was a carnival ride, out of the ride I go, the ride's full!

So yeah, I did spot her all right, tried once or twice to catch her eye before giving up and heading back home.

So, what's the lesson in this post?

When you wanna do something, DO IT QUICKLY AND EARLY!

So basically, that's my Vday for 2009. Now, I'm off cause my this little demon I call 'sister' wants my laptop.

Will update sooner then you think.


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