Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hey everyone, my name's Luis Lim. I live in an apartment in Queens, NYC, it's a small quiet little part in New York so I'm amazingly content. I'm currently attending a city college cause I prefer to be a little bit more closer to home.

During the weekends or sometimes after class, I'd go skateboarding in Central Park or jam with my so-called 'band' at one of my friend's house. I'm a normal guy who just loves any type of music, give me a genre and I'll something good to say bout it. Ask me to listen ro Rap/Hip-Hop and I'll list down my 5 favourite rappers, rock music? Any type would do, be it emo/screamo/Alternative, pass me the mic/guitar/drum sticks pronto.


No, I'm not going off my rocker, guys. That section above is my ideal life. Yeah, you read that right. And it's the third post of the day?! *Fakes British accent* Preposterous! Is this really Luis, of my word!

Yeah, I'm bored and random, sue me anyone?

But really, there's a reason why I come by tonight. The below section is dedicated to one Nur Hafizah.

Nur Hafizah also known as Feezah
Short term actually.
Man, where do I start?
Well, from the very beginning I guess
I first knew her on Friendster when she added me up.
We didn't really talk even though we were in the same school
For 4 long years.
And we just started talking this year, damn!
So, here's how it went, see.
I was on the bus on the way to my Church one Friday evening
It wasn't that crowded, Thank God.
I just so happened to look at the back of the bus
And there she was, listening to her MP3
I thought about going there to say hi
But I was kinda scared to cause I thought she didn't recognize me
As I neared my stop, she got up and walked to the back door.
She caught my eye and smiled
"Phew! She recognizes me after all!"
That was what I thought
We started to talk but the conversation was limited as we both got off the bus and she was headed the other way
Her house was just opposite my Church
Imagine that...
So we exchanged e-mails and we started talking online
We caught glimpses of each other in school but didn't really talk
Cause she was surronded by friends
She's a trustworthy person, friendly, easy-going
She teases and cares
She's stood by me and so did I for her
We would have long convos that would last for two hours or more?
Nowadays it's hard to have conversations that long as before
Due to her work and my classes at ITE/College
Whichever you wanna call it
I'm awesomely happy to still talk to her
Even though we're not together in school anymore
I'm even amazingly happy to call her 'good friend'
My only regret is that I didn't run into her on the very bus
4 years ago
Imagine how that would have turne out?
I do
Though we might not have those long conversations like we used to
Know that I'll be in your heart and mind through all the time.

Yeah, when I said that the second post was coming soon, my timing is impeccable, is it not?

Why am I updating several minutes after I just posted up my last post? Simply put, I'm bored. Yeah, that's right, I'm in my room, door closed and I'm bored.

So what am I gonna talk about?

Oh, i don't know, how bout the first half of my day today?

Woke up at 10, did my usual morning necessities before switching on my laptop. Toyed around with Friendster, Tagged and Facebook. Yeah, three social networking profiles for me, that's the limit, don't ask me to join something else like or some other crap.

So, talked to a couple of dudes/dudettes over MSN before I discovered that they were busy even on a Sunday, but hey, who am I to talk? Sooner or later, it'll happen and when it does, you're gonna start wishing a lot that you've spent more time relaxing cause we're nearly at the edge where we are about to be adults. We're in our teens, but for how long?

So anyway, I'mma end this rant now. I got a song to share actually. I'm a big Avenged Sevenfold fan, and this song really touched me, it makes me reminisce and all, did I even spell reminisce right?


Here's the song and for the love of God, listen to the lyrics before you judge!

Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Well, Valentine's Day has come and gone again. A special shout-out goes to all couples, stay strong and last long cause you're gonna wake up one day and all those memories will start flowing back, trust me.

Anyway, I had a plan yesterday, not those romantic plans as I myself don't have anyone to spend it with. Nope, I had a plan to surprise Feezah at McDonalds where she works.

Sounds simple, don't it?

Well, hear me out and see how this simple plan turned out!

Around 4 yesterday, I suddenly felt ill and had to lie in bed till the evening. Around the same time I was feeling better, Feroz called and asked me to go over to Hannah's birthday barbecue at Changi Beach. And being the good sport that I was, I mozzied my way down to his place and we headed to Changi Beach.

We reached there, photos were taken, ate the measly amounts of cake before I had a tought as I was staring at open sea in the darkness...

"I'm out, why don't I fulfill my surprise to Feezah?"

So the simple surprise/plan was back in motion. I slacked around there for a little while more before we headed back to Tampines Mall, Feroz headed his own way and I made my way to McDonalds where Feezah worked.

So I had it all played out in my mind, I opened up the doors and...


If Mcdonalds was a carnival ride, out of the ride I go, the ride's full!

So yeah, I did spot her all right, tried once or twice to catch her eye before giving up and heading back home.

So, what's the lesson in this post?

When you wanna do something, DO IT QUICKLY AND EARLY!

So basically, that's my Vday for 2009. Now, I'm off cause my this little demon I call 'sister' wants my laptop.

Will update sooner then you think.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

You know what's probably one of the worse things in your life?

Being unable to make contact with your friends.

Yes, you heard me right. Why am I saying this? Well,less then 4 to 5 hours ago, I was trying to make contact with one of my friends over MSN AND my handphone or cellphone if you'd prefer.

Now I'm not sure exactly what's wrong but I have a feeling that they can see my replies and I can't SEE theirs.

In fact, it has happened once before to one of my friends and now it looks like it's come back to bite me in the ass...

Sometimes, the MSN system can be...


It can be a b**ch

A snot-nosed, monkey-screwing, cow-humping, nazi-loving, uncircumsized ****

Yes, I am mad, in the angry sort of way. I mean what the hell man?!

That's it, I'm done for today, I apologize for the use of words above and sorry again if it offends you guys, seriously... I'm just so goddamned frustrated now.

Later all...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Well, after a week or two hiatus, I'm finally back to updating this simple, yet self-expressing thing called a blog.

Ever wonder why they call it a blog? I sure as hell don't, why not call it something simple like "Internet Diary"? why Blog? Because it sounds... I don't know... Cool?

Try saying the word at least 20 times in a crowded food court or wherever and I DARE you to tell me you won't feel like an idiot at all.

Anyway, I have to go off now, I know it's a short post but I've got class tomorrow and I need to be there real early. I'll update tomorrow, promise ;)

Later dudes and dudettes!

PS: Early mornings suck a$$!!!!