Friday, February 29, 2008

Don't hit me now...

Heyhey guys!!! Wassup?!

Ok, now I know I've been away for some time as usual.. Hahas.. So, yeah, let me fill you in on what's been happening.

I have finished my common tests and got awesome marks in English. WOOHOO!!! Take that non-believers and dickheads!!! How do you like me now?!?!?!?

But then again, I failed at Math again so yeah. =)

And can anybody tell me why my pic in my previous post isn't showing? Seriously man, I didn't wait several minutes just for it to appear as a freakin GRAY SCREEN!!!

Ok, calm down... *Takes subscription pills*

Hahx.. You guys really didn't think I was freakin out right? I don't take pills or anything seriously... LOL...

Anyway, this is where I get off... Till next time and it'll be soon I promise!!!

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