Wednesday, December 30, 2009

And after... I think it's bout 2 months of hiatus I'm finally back. For good? I don't know we'll see. Haha...

So tomorrow's New Year's eve and EVERYONE's going crazy over it. I mean COME ON, it's the same damn thing every year, you throw a party get wasted and pass out till the next day.

I mean... I myself... Haven't been to a Countdown party...

*looks down sadly*

It ain't fair. SON OF A BITCH.

So... How bout them Lakers eh?

Yeah, I'm out of ideas. LOL

So my New Year resolutions? A better year ahead? More courage to face my challenges head on? Well, I know what I want...

I want my friends and family to live on with peace and prosperity and i wish for me and my friends to stay strong till we wither and die :) That's it really Nothing more nothing less...

So um... There's nothing been going on lately really, I've been hanging out with my friends and all during the holidays and it feels GREAT ^^

Honest to God, it's amazing. Ha, my birthday, Christmas and the days after have been full of fun and excitement. I love you guys.

God, you guys are sick thinking like that. God DAMN. I don't love them like THAT. Shit.

Aw crap... What else can I talk bout now really...

Yeah! Shukry's sleeping over at my house actually. Haha, we're gonna stay up and play some games actually. At least I think so. LOL...

Fingers crossed that I get to go for the countdown with the guys tomorrow I think... Hopefully. It'll be like my first ever countdown party, holy shit.

Later dudes and dudettes!
